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After Factory reset kd-49x8305C poor quality


After Factory reset kd-49x8305C poor quality

 Hi all,


I just recently bought KD-49x8305C after some time I have made factory reset by Settings-->Storage & reset-->Factory data reset. After that picture quality became poor, it's not solid and sharp anymore. It's like I am watching 480p even though it is 1080p PS4. First I thought that my HDMI cable but then I have tried youtube and it was pretty much same. Edges are so poor and blurry, in some cases it is pixeled as well. I really don't know what to do...Firmware is up to date. What problem can be an issue ? I have googled and tried probably all possible solutions. I have contacted local Support (Denmark) and the suggested simple possible ways but it didn't work. Any help will be muimage4.JPGch appreciated.

Not applicable

Hi there


Have you re-adjusted your picture settings on the TV after the factory reset?  My advice is to write down all the TVs picture settings (and others if you customise settings alot), before a factory reset.



I bought my TV in 2017, while Android was 5. I was not satisfied with the quality of the image by providing the best antenna and equipment. It was a bit of a shade and a lot of light on the internal digital channels. Fortunately, as soon as the update to the Android 6 version, in addition to improving many factors, the image was very clear and perfect. The same thing I expected from Sony. I was pretty happy until today I did an update to Android 7 (v5.381), unfortunately, network images reappeared again. They were a bit opaque and brighter and less quality. And the problem did not fix the manual setting.