Android 7 Sony 2015 tv

Android 7 Sony 2015 tv

Hi there. Is there eny new on when Android 7 will come to 2015 Sony tv 49” x83?



Same sorry game as with Marshmallow. Don't expect it before end of Q1 2018.

Allso think 2018 😞 

Sony you need to keep your word about those updates :slight_smile:

Just in case you haven't noticed. Sony isn't the trustworthy company that they once were anymore. Several examples:


- PVR was missing at Sony Android TV release and arrived over half a year later

- announced faster processor, Android Marshmallow and VP9.2 (YouTube HDR) support for 2016 models, early 2016 models were based on the BRAVIA 2015 platform with slower processor and Android Lollipop though

- Android Marshmallow arrived 1 year late for early 2016  (and 2015) models

- removal of TV Guide and remote scheduling in Video & TV SideView app

- removal of Opera TV Store

- removal of Twitter Social Viewing (not that anybody ever used it)

- still now Dolby Vision for X1 Extreme processor based models (announced for summer)

- no further news on Nougat for ATV1 models

- severe bugs in core functionality are not being fixed

- not even the most common things like integrated tuners and Amazon Video work flawlessly


I just urge people not to buy those TVs.

@Kuschelmonschter which Brand are you suggesting to buy?

Sony was the first to deliver nougat on tv and is working on delivery oreo 

Sony is the only one to provide dolby vision apart LG (they are late but you can find in the last days beta release shown to famous tv reviewer)

Sony's top products are acclaimed in their own categories (zd9 xe93 xe94 xe90)  let alone the oled A1 

In the latest reviews even android tv is not anymore considered as a cons on the BRAVIA lineup 


Or we should compare Sony lineup with the fake expensive marketing qled Samsung lineup?

Or android tv with the dead OS used by Panasonic (which btw make very good tv)?

Or LG that apart the oled make crappy led LCD tvs? And i've seen side by side LG and A1 and there is a good difference

Or Philips that organize a shootout on their premises with avforums Just to demonstrate that their own vivid mode is better than Sony Panasonic and LG?  In vivid mode?!? Who is ever using it?!?

I appreciate very much your technical knowledge but really i don't understand what do you want to demonstrate....

Sony was the first to deliver nougat on tv

Philips/TPVision already deliver Nougat for MediaTek MT5890 based TVs from 2015 and 2016. Sony does not.


and is working on delivery oreo 

Quote or reference please. When FlatpanelsHD asked the Sony press department, they did not comment.


Sony is the only one to provide dolby vision

Not yet. Update announced for summer, still not available. Very Sony like...


In the latest reviews even android tv is not anymore considered as a cons on the BRAVIA lineup 

No reviewer tests the OS in depth. They are only playing the numbers and pixel peeping game. People might want to read my own review about the functional aspect.


Or we should compare Sony lineup with the fake expensive marketing qled Samsung lineup?

At least the integrated tuners and Amazon Video work flawlessly on those devices which is what 99% of the people care about.

Kuschelmonschter ha scritto:

Sony was the first to deliver nougat on tv

Philips/TPVision already deliver Nougat for MediaTek MT5890 based TVs from 2015 and 2016. Sony does not.

Philips started the rollout of nougat on october this year

Sony started in May. I don't know and i don't care if 2016 for Philips means MT5890 but in case it demonstrates again that Sony was faster in switching to the next processor already in late 2016. And by the way two major upgrade on a TV (marshmallow and then nougat for 2015 model) is not something not bad on this market. Mine 2013 Samsung smart tv get regular updates Just to strip down whichever features the smarthub included when i bought it

and is working on delivery oreo 

Quote or reference please.When FlatpanelsHD asked the Sony press department, they did not comment. here you can find a reference but i have also unofficial hints on that. And FlatpanelsHD itself wrote that no comment from Sony was not a Bad sign


Sony is the only one to provide dolby vision

Not yet. Update announced for summer, still not available. Very Sony like...

So they are late. But they are committed to it while Panasonic and Samsung not. So which is better?


In the latest reviews even android tv is not anymore considered as a cons on the BRAVIA lineup 

No reviewer tests the OS in depth. They are only playing the numbers and pixel peeping game. People might want to read my own review about the functional aspect.

Not even the average user go very deep in using all the features of an OS.  you May have problem in expanding the memory on nougat, but which other tv OS make it possible. You never ever highlight which new possibilities offers an open OS like android compared to closed ones (including kodi i.e.)


Or we should compare Sony lineup with the fake expensive marketing qled Samsung lineup?

At least the integrated tuners and Amazon Video work flawlessly on those devices which is what 99% of the people care about.

I have really no problem with the integrated tuner and ok Amazon prime needs two kicks before deploying the video... But do you really think that this is really more important than watching the pure blacks and contrast and colours the A1 can deliver compared to Just 1500 nits you never need on a washed image an edge led like Samsung qled can deliver?!? For the same price?!? 

Still do not get your goal or suggestion. Do you want to push Sony and Google to make a better OS? That's fine

Are you trying to show that there are better options in the market for tv? You should elaborate better open minded and keeping in mind that a television is not a computer that you measure only on speed, network, etc but mainly on the picture quality

Are you trying to show that there are better options in the market for tv? You should elaborate better open minded

I am not really comparing a lot actually. Except for maybe when somebody challenges me. I only have a Sony at home and only limited experience with others. This Sony Android TV is easily the worst consumer electronics device I ever owned. Not even the most basic things like integrated tuners or Amazon Video work properly. And if that's the case, there is clearly something wrong. No matter how good or bad others are. I know for a fact though that those things indeed work flawlessly on Samsung and LG.


but mainly on the picture quality 

That's where I think you and all those pixel peeping lobby reviewers are wrong. When I look at my relatives and friends, they can't even discern quality of a cheap edge LED from the most advanced locally dimmed LED panels or even OLED, except for maybe when watching some dedicated demo side-by-side. What they care about is a truly integrated experience with their daily media being played back flawlessly.

Please elaborate on Sony working on Oreo.

Just to be sure you understand what i'm trying to say. I really appreciate your technical knowledge and effort in pointing out to Sony which are the problem in their OS.  And i wish they take more care about customer feedbacks expecially whenever they are duly documented.

As i said android is not without fault (i.e. I agree completely that is crazy that YouTube is not still supporting hdr on Google own platform)

But still i don't like when you close your post suggesting that all the Sony tv are crap and you should buy something else. And you don't know which other tvs are on the market that are better.

Regarding the picture quality you May be right that sometimes it is subtle....  But this demonstrate that you never see an oled tv. I am lucky enough to have had the possibility to buy a kd55a1 and the difference is shining!!!  And this is not my feeling but my wife one that normally thinks i am Just crazy about technology