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Gaming on 43W755c, 'pixel overdrive'?


Gaming on 43W755c, 'pixel overdrive'?

I recently bought a Bravia 43W755c, which overall I'm really happy with. When we booted up the PS4 for the first time on it however, everything looked fine on the dashboard until we started Metal Gear Solid V. When the level changed to night time, there was heavy flicker on the sky. The ground textures also started periodically flashing white until the level returned to day time. I've read it could be 'pixel overdrive' on a few different websites, but whatever it is I'm hoping there's a way to fix or at least remedy the problem somewhat. It wasn't a cheap TV, so would like it to perform at least as good as the one it replaced!

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if anybody has the direct e-mail to Sony technical support that would be good.

Not applicable

Hi there


Try setting the TV into 'Game' mode and turning off 'Adv Contrast Enhancer', and see if thar helps.




Hi. It's definitely in Game mode, but I'll check when I get home about the Advanced Contrast Enhancer. As long as it's not a faulty panel, and doesn't need sending back, then that's a step closer!


Hi. I went back on the PS4 last night (Game mode), adjusted some more settings (including turning off the advanced contrast enhancer) and it helped a little. I don't get the flickering sky any more on Metal Gear Solid V, but the ground textures were still 'twitchy'. I tried PES 2016 on it, and this was a lot better but still had some mild flicker. I'm hoping I don't need to send the TV back, as all other inputs look great, but I really hope I can do something to minimise the effect of this.