Hdmi issues with 65xd93


Hdmi issues with 65xd93

Bear with me on this.


I have hdmi cables plugged into ports 2, 3 and 4


Triing to use my ps4pro I have the following issues


Hdmi 2: no picture in 4k resolution mode. I'll get a blank screen with intermittent white noise.  However if I set ps4pro to 1080p I get a picture.  Hdmi set to enhanced mode.


Hdmi 3: get a picture in 4k mode but get intermittent glitch get and white noise.  Can also occasionally notice a sparkling effect on the PlayStation main menu.  When using hdr games I get a flickering effect. Hdmi set to enhanced mode.


Hdmi 4: everything works fine


I have swapped cables around and this issue seems port dependant rather than cable.  For example hdmi 2 cable works fine in Port 4 but nit port 2.


Discussion been ongoing with Sony for weeks now and still no joy. 


Any ideas?

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Hi there


This is quite interesting indeed - I double checked the specs for your TV - all 4 HDMI ports conform to the same specifications (i.e. HDCP 2.2 and 18Gbps).  At this moment, the only thing that I can say is to continue on with Sony Support.  I am unsure myself on why this would be - it stands to reasons that using a different port on the TV with the same device (i.e. PS4 pro) with the same HDMI cable with the same settings, then it should work.  Barring a hardware fault of some type that is....




I am


Definitely a weird one.  here's something that makes the HDMI 2 issue weirder


It works with the pro in 1080

it wont work with the pro in 4K

It will work with the pro in 4K if you have a PSVR connected to the Pro and the HDMI cable is going through the PSVR box


However as the PSVR box does not support HDR i cannot check HDR on HDMI 2


So I am assuming some sort of weird handshake issue between the pro and HDMI ports 2 and 3 which is negated when utilising the PSVR as a passthru


Once i get a amp with 4K passthrough it won't matter as everything will go via the amp and HDMI 4, but right now this is very frustrating...

Not applicable

Probably right on the weird handshake and then downscaling to the resolution to the one its happy on - for whatever reason. 


Tried a pro with the same TV we have in the office, all HDMI ports work fine in 4K and with HDR.


I have updated my Sony support thread and awaiting a response!