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Issues "no switch on-off" or "not responding" or "wifi" try disabling Bluetooth

Issues "no switch on-off" or "not responding" or "wifi" try disabling Bluetooth

Boards like J20H084-8016XX or intel A3160(for PC's), are first generation of mixed dual band wifi, bluetooth, IR(for TV's) and are all problematic design.

Try at least disabling one of them that can be disabled(bluetooth here for most) and check again about your issues.

Just a suggestion :cool:

Not applicable



Curious on where you got this from?  Is there a website?  Im interested and curious at the same time.  But then again are these chipsets in these android tvs?

Hi Quinnicus


All those mixed cards have issues and I believe that they should be separate, at least until the moment that 5Hz will be the only standard, which is going to be in the future.

There are many ping timing issues(long time and sudden spikes), causing disconnections. Those issues can be software related(OS or drivers) but can also be related to different design demands(oscillators or antenna radiation) or even on which frequency is firstly searched by OS. Sometimes fixed by disabling Fast Roaming and Radio management support, sometimes fixed by different channel selection.

Intel's (AC3160 or AC7260) are the most bad designed ones(AC series) and there thousands of people complaining especially about disconnectios that are not fixed with new drivers.

Our TV's have the J20H084 801658 but from what we see are suffering similar issues. Possibly because of similar design project and "baby" state(early), non "heavy" tested revisions.

Think of a case like our Android TVs. Android Not tested but released. Next generations will be far better than our 2015 and 2016 models.