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KD-55AG8 BBC iPlayer UHD poor quality

KD-55AG8 BBC iPlayer UHD poor quality



My 2019 model KG-55AG8 shows excellent UHD picture quality via the Sky box for cricket & F1, and Netflix & Amazon as 4K sources also provide very good picture quality.


I find that for the Euro 2021 football and Wimbledon on the BBC iPlayer (accessed via Sony Select) quality is reduced and is darker and has a gloomy feel to it, not the vibrant bright colourful image that the same HD signal has. No amount of tweaks to the settings can make it bright and vibrant, to the point that I don't bother with the BBC UHD service now. 


In reality it looks as if the initial overlay that appears with the picture that carries the branding and other info, is retained when the branding text drops off. Momentarily the picture is bright, then it instantly dims. The same happens with the Wimbledon feeds.


Does anyone else see this, or can you suggest picture settings that will generate a bright vibrant picture on BBC UHD on the iPlayer? I'm quite relaxed about working through every setting in the toolbox on this particular tv due to endlessly trying to get it right.



Not applicable

It's just hard to pin-point the issue really, between the broadcaster to the TV and everything in between, it might not be perfect but it's good enough I guess, and it's ''supposed'' to be getting better everyday.