
Kd55x8509 Hdmi issue

I have a Sony kd55x8509c android tv, I've had it just over a month now.
The setup is a sky hd box run to a hdmi splitter then one feed goes to the Sony and one to a Samsung tv
When both TVs are turned on the TVs display the same 1080i picture correctly, but if I put the Sony into standby mode the picture will stay ok,but every roughly 15 minutes the screen goes blank only for a split second then returns to normal then after a few seconds it does it again maybe once or twice. It then works ok for another 15 minutes but then the same cycle happens again. If I disconnect the hdmi lead from the Sony then fault does not occur.
If the Samsung tv is off and the Sony to is on the problem does not occur.
Before I got the android TV I had a lg and the Samsung and they works perfectly on the same system.
I can only put it down to the sony TV having activity on the hdmi port whilst in standby,is the same as when the device handshakes, it needs the hdmi routine to completely shut down until the TV is powered back on?

i have 3 hdmi splitters ( I've tried them all) and I can see by the LEDs on them that indeed it is the Sony hdmi port that's doing something whilst the TVs is in standby, the splitter shows the Sony seems to disconnect for a split second then reconnect thus the reason for a re handshake and this causes the Samsung to blank. 

I have rebooted the Sony and made sure it's the latest firmware, but no change. Google say it's a problem for Sony and Sony say to reboot the tv. 


I would give anything a try, but I don't believe its interference, because
that would usually be a more random problem. I have sat down and timed the
problem and it always happens between 14 minutes and 48 seconds to 15
minutes 6 seconds, so it's a predictable outcome under the same conditions
every time , so I can make it happen, thus I believe it to be the Sony tv
handshaking with the source player at a set interval but only when in a
standby state, obliviously whilst off it has no need to keep on
communicating, but this is the cause of the other tv blanking as the source
player handshakes every 15 mins( setting resolution of screen / box). If the
Sony tv is turned on, it handshakes once and doesn't keep repeating the process thus
both screen work.

Ps as I said before I have a usb stick with a led on it that flashes every
time it's read or written to, I noticed that this also flashes every 15
minutes when the tv is in standby.

You are correct in your assumption that if the Sony 55X8005C is directly connected to the Sky HD box it works. The problem is when it's connected via a splitter and what it is doing to that splitter. I'm guessing constant handshakes that are disrupting the output from the splitter to the other connected devices.


Like in the posts above the problem is only there when the Sony 55X8005C is switched off (in standby) and connected to the splitter. 


My set up, the HDMI output from the Sky HD box has a 4-way splitter currently feeding two TV’s, a 2 year old Panasonic TV, Sony 55X8005C and an Epson TW6000 projector.


The fault is definitely being caused by the Sony 55X8005C.


I've tried two different splitters, both with the same result. If I disconnect the HDMI lead from the splitter to the 55X8005C or turn off the 55X005C at the socket the Panasonic and Epson work without fault. If I remove the 55X8005C from the setup and use any other combination of devices I have, 2 x Panasonic TV’s, 2 x other Sony TV’s and the Epson projector, with either of the 2 x splitters it works. It only doesn't when the 55X8005C is connected to the splitter.


If there is any other information, models numbers etc. things you want me to try just ask. For info the set has the latest firmware.


As for ferrite cores on the power cable to the TV, my TV is wall mounted on a false chimney breast and the power supply lead from the wall  socket to the chimney breast has two, one either end. I don't believe it's interference given mine and the other posters experiences.

I am now in battle with Sony, they say that the TV should be directly connected to my Sky box and I say rubbish, it works on plenty of other TVs, and if that is the case, where is the information before you buy the TV which says that you can not use HDMI splitters, and I have asked them to supply me with it, they have not answered that question.

For now my work around is to set the Sony to go into standby after 2 hours in settings, then before I go to bed I turn the screen off in the action menue and mute the sound, then my Samsung set in the bedroom has no problems and the Sony turns itself off after 2 hours.

Just the kind of utter rubbish response I would expect from someone who doesn’t know how to deal with the problem and thinks that such a biennale statement will make it go away.


The average punter with little to no knowledge of electronics/electrics or fault finding ability would believe such nonsense. Unfortunately for Sony as their entire range of 2015 TV’s are beset with such a magnitude of problems it’s inevitable that amongst the many people complaining on this web site, and others, are going to be electronic/electrical engineers with a lot more experience than the average CS rep has.


Myself I have been an electronics engineer and electrical designer for 47 years. I started in the days when my first instructor was able to say “we will teach you about PNP and NPN transistors, but don’t worry they won’t catch on, they will never replace valves!” I’ve probably been in the electronics game longer than most of these CS reps have been alive.


As for the statement that the entire range of 2015 Sony TV’s shouldn’t be used with a HDMI splitter I wonder how that would have been received at Currys, Richer Sounds, JL etc. as they all use HDMI splitters to enable all the TV’s on display to show the same signal.


There are numinous reported problems with the HDMI ports, ARC intermittent, ARC not working, double inputs in the menu, this one, I have them all.


There are set standards for each version of HDMI protocol which have been around since 2003. Since Sony was one of the original founding companies of HDMI is it too much to expect that they should get it right.

I have directed Sony customer support to these comments on this site and given them all of the information again, in short they are refusing any help for this at all, presumably because they have no one with any technical knowledge of their product. I will think very hard before ever buying anything from Sony again because if you have any problems, you are on your own.

This stance is to be expected from Sony until the Firmware update later this month.

What can they currently do? They can’t, or don’t know how to, fix it separately as they expect the February update to cure all the 2015 TV’s problems. They can’t exchange it as there is nothing to exchange it for which won’t have the same problem. Give you your money back, again they would rather not as these refunds must be really hurting by now. So for now all you can expect is bluster from Sony as they play the waiting game.

Personally I’m waiting for this month’s update to hopefully fix all its problems including this one, and for March’s to give it the features it was sold as having. If not then it’s April, when the 2016 versions start to go on sale, for an exchange set. However I don’t expect this to happen without a fight. Sony’s most likely stance will be to return it to your retailer for refund as for them this will be the cheapest option unless they consider customer satisfaction to be the higher priority.  

Unless I’ve missed it the specification released so far for the 2016 sets does not include USB recording so expect an interesting discussion as which set is a suitable exchange if this is the route you wish to take and Sony are willing to do it, notwithstanding ours and theirs rights under law.

Remember you have a fault logged with Sony, just ensure they don’t try and close it without your permission. The rules in the Consumer Rights Act 2015 are quite clear as to what we, and the retailer, are entitled to in this scenario. Especially important is when the fault was reported.  A good website to look at is the Which Magazine summary of the main points of the act.

Thanks very much for your interest and information, it's very helpful. I will look forward to the next couple of updates to see if any of the problems are addressed, customer services are a waste of time.

For now I will keep leaving the Sony on without picture or sound and let it put itself into standby after a couple of hours, I havent been able to think of anything better as yet.

I've just been reading a thread on the AVforums and there is someone with a 50W808C who has the same HDMI handshake issue with his TV in standby. However his is not with a splitter but with a receiver directly connected to his TV by HDMI and the other devices connected to his receiver by HDMI.


All HDMI inputs to the receiver are being affected, for example with the TV in standby the audio from his CD deck is interrupted, guess when, approx. every 15 minutes.


I've told him of this thread and asked him to try pulling the HDMI lead from his TV and see if the problem persists and report back. When he does I'll put the full details on here.


I suppose the next response from Sony CR will be not only don't use a HDMI splitter with these 2015 TV's but don't connect anything to the HDMI ports!!

Thanks for that, I downloaded the latest (Feb) updates last night and tried it this morning with bated breath but guess what, still the same so Sony have done nothing to improve this problem and it seems as if they never will. As they refuse to answer my question about them coming clean and telling customers that this will happen if they buy one of this range of TV's, then I suppose that their customers will carry on blindly buying these sets like lambs to the slaughter and Sony will get richer on the proceeds.


Out of curiosity, which HDMI cables are you using? ( and how long are they? )


I have been using 2 of these :


and 2 of these :


to connect various devices to my TV, including sources @ 2160p@60Hz 4:4:4 and using these type of cables I have NEVER ever had a black screen from any device including a HDMI splitter Xbox One/PS4 that I tried for a few days and a gaming server pc that has been plugged into the TV and has been running constantly for over a month.


All 4 cables are 3metres long.  We have already had a discussion on here about hooking up a PC to output at the above resolution and the consensus seems to be that 10m is too long to carry a strong enough signal but about 5m or less seems to be ok.


Please don't shoot the messenger if you already have tried decent cabling already as I'm only trying to point out my observations of having the Same TV as you guys for 10 weeks now, with ZERO black screens.


Maybe I'm just lucky and have a decent set? Who knows, I did notice though that when I purchased my TV at the beginning of November, The build date of my TV was October 2015!


Good luck anyway !