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Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D


Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D

Since the lastest firmware I keep getting a pop up on screen with 3D movies in the bottom left hand side. 


"Screen Format: Full" this is of course say it is using full pixel but it should not keep showing!


I cannot seem to find a way to disable this notification. It makes 3D useless as it keeps popping up! I even tried a factory reset to no avail.

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It's in this thread look at the time when the Irish got the update  Sent from my Samsung device

thanks.. I had a look back and there isn't much other than its a bodge.

One last question from me for now, whats the difference between Continental Europe and Ireland firmware updates to the United Kingdom ones ?

I don't really understand why we don't get them all at the same time.

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@steveness wrote:

One last question from me for now, whats the difference between Continental Europe and Ireland firmware updates to the United Kingdom ones ?

The addition of YouView - it adds another layer of complexities.


Steveness - we got the same reply from Sony customer support that our case was being escalated. Two days later we received the following response In regards for you enquiry, please note that the maximum we can offer is a three months extended warranty.


To say that we were not impressed with this reply would be an understatement!! We have now submitted a formal complaint to Sony as we are getting absolutely nowhere and the standard of their customer support is appalling.

Well done to the person who got a replacemet TV from John Lewis - 10/10 for them indeed.

Just wondering about the legality of Sony supplying these TVs for sale with 3D functionality when they have known since October that this is faulty?? Isn't it usual for manufacturers to recall products when a major part of the product goes wrong?


Don't quote me on this, but I think the updates are delayed for the UK due to the added complication of Youview integration. I know its not directly related to the 3d issue, but makes you wonder what the fix actually does in the background if it could mess up other services by turning it on.


Thanks for the reply all, I don't actually use youview (not even sure what it is to be honest), but it some of the responses are worrying.



are you employed by Sony ? I'm seriously thinking about returning this TV as I'm still within the 28 day period and some of these reports don't fill me with much confidence, especially the stock responses from sony support where they didn't even seem to know about this issue.

I don't want to wait until the end of Feb and then find out that the issue isn't fixed. I've seen your posts but I don't know how official they are.


Apologies if you are a Sony rep, I appreciate that you have been telling people it will be fixed but the phone and email support guys aren't giving the same message.



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No, im not employed by Sony (im actually inbetween jobs at the moment), im like you - just a simple customer(and fanboi) of Sony that has too much time to kill.


However, I do have direct communications with Sony in order to help this community and problems.


Those auto or stock responses of Sony annoy me too - especially when certain issues are known.


This particular thread might be of interest to give you reassurance that the issue is fixed:


I would not recommend using the Irish firmware, simply because there is no guarantee that you can change back to UK at a later date.


Oh, just to add, this was/is a world wide issue and not just EU.  In the USA its fixed.  Australia are still awaiting an update too - due to be released shortly.




Thanks Quinnicus,


I would recommend you to Sony as you actually try to help us :slight_smile:

The link doesn't fill me with too much confidence though, seems they fix one issue and break more. I've always been a Samsung fan, my 50 inch plasma is great and still going strong 5 years after purchase, I only went for Sony as I thought they were a "big name" but I'm not so impressed with what I'm experiencing and what I'm reading.

Not sure I will wait for the next release, 28 days is the maximum time I can wait and expect to be able to return the TV without a load of hastle.

Its a shame as the 3D is ok.. not the best I've seen but I don't have £2000 to splash out on a TV.. for £850 I thought it was a good purchase, but so far it's not giving me anything I didn't have already. I can't watch 3D movies when a pop up keeps disrupting viewing 😞

I'm going to call the shop I bought it from tomorrow to see where I stand with getting a refund

Thanks for your help, much appreciated

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Your Welcome - Thank you.


Hopefully you find a TV or resolution your happy with.  :four_leaf_clover:


right, now I'm confused !


I gave it one last chance and have just watched Avatar 3D and didn't get one pop up message throughout the whole film..

Previous films that caused the Pop up message were the hobbit (1st in the series was ok, a few pop ups.. 2nd I had a lot of pop ups and the 3rd was pretty much unwatchable) and Jurassic world which was the 1st movie I watched on this TV and had a few pop up messages which kind of spoiled the film.


I haven't changed any settings since watching the final hobbit movie yet Avatar was fine..

I will try the Hobbit again tomorrow to see if its film/disc related but Avatar was a great 3D experience on this TV..