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Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D


Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D

Since the lastest firmware I keep getting a pop up on screen with 3D movies in the bottom left hand side. 


"Screen Format: Full" this is of course say it is using full pixel but it should not keep showing!


I cannot seem to find a way to disable this notification. It makes 3D useless as it keeps popping up! I even tried a factory reset to no avail.

265 REPLIES 265
Not applicable

ROFL - its a sign! The TV is saying, dont get rid of me. :nauseated_face:


I get the same Steveness, although I've never had the luxury of actually watching ANY movie without the annoying pop-ups, sadly. I thought the switching the motion flow to off had worked for a while until "bam !" and then it went mad with pop-ups. If I watch the same film twice, it doesnt seem to pop-up in the same place either. Went through the waste of time of factory re-setting my machine and ONLY changing the motion flow to off, but that lasted around 15 seconds! The family and I can really tell the difference on our S8005C though anyway, so would have swapped one problem for another.


Anyone else got this TV and any fixes that worked for them I can try? Sony reps keep telling me silly ones that seem completely unrelated like switching off the mobile device as a remote or changing the auto time update setting. Having a laugh at my expense I reckon.

I've  run out of patience with this situation now and have been told by Sony customer services that it will be fixed with a firmware release in the 'near future'. Will that be in 2016 then, as at this rate I very much doubt it!


In the process of writing to Watchdog and checking my rights under the sales of goods act. We've  all been patient due to reassurance that a fix will be released, but im not convinced it will happen.



Yes I have the 8005C and the pop up seemingly happens randomly no matter what settings I change. I was going to wait until the firmware update in February but I turned on the tv this morning to find the black screen problem had occured which forced me to turn it off at the mains. so Ive had enough and will ask Amazon if they will take it back. Never again will I buy Sony. 


Hi, I have an 55x8509, been noticing the pop up also on 3d blu rays. Changed the picture to photo standard and had nothing pop up since. Hope that helps? 


Nice one Pilbsy, that seems to work.

Just tried changing different modes and the photo ones seem to stop the message from returning and the picture is fine too !

kept swapping between different modes, cinema, sport, vivid etc and the pop ups occur, with the photo mode its fine :slight_smile:

Hopefully this will be a suitable work around until the firmware is updated




Just looking at the description of each different mode on the TV and the photo mode states it is for basic home use. We didn't buy a top of the range TV to watch movies in a basic mode. Therefore, for us, this is not an acceptable work around and doesn't take away from the fact that the TV isn't fit for purpose.

I have had this come up on our new 65 inch Sony 4K Bravia t.v. when playing a blu-ray (both 2 and 3D) dvd from the Sony 4K DVD 3D player (also new). Reported it to the store who have investigated and have the same thing happen when playing dvd's there on the display models.  Thay have spoken with Sony who say a "fix" is coming out later this year.  When is anyone's guess.  


But in a desperate attempt to sort this out I went into the Settings for the DVD player.  The output screen setting was set to FULL.  Changing it to NORMAL seems to have fixed the problem.  The screen size on the t.v. was not effected by this.  Two DVDs later and no annoying pop-up on t.v. screen.  Seems like the player and the t.v. are getting confused as to what signal to follow.  Told the store, who tried it and it worked there too.  They are passing it on to Sony.  Give it a try, it may work for you too.


So to recap


Change Player's Screen Size setting to NORMAL and keep your fingers crossed.


I've also got a Sony Blu-ray 3D player and just tried this, I set the TV picture mode to normal and also the blu-ray player.. 5mins into the film I got the pop-up again, however there were longer periods between pop-ups (prometheus), whereas last time I watched it they were pretty much constantly appearing.

Seeting the picture mode on the TV to photo mode still works best for me, and I don't see any difference in the picture quality than when its on cinema mode so not sure if it makes a difference in that sense


I have just spent over a £1000 for this Sony Tv upgrade, and my previous model [not 4K] didn't do this, so it's even more frustrating when you play a 3d bluray and every 2min you get this message coming up - 'Full Screen Format' - I always buy Sony but this is now making my viewing of a film on a TV that's only a month old frustrating.


It also happens when I play a bluray a message keeps coming on and off 'You have no internet connection'.......then 'You have internet connection'......again something else I find annoying.


I would like confirmation from Sony how to resolve this......

