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Sony KE48a9 Dimming Issues When Watching Football

Sony KE48a9 Dimming Issues When Watching Football

Hello. This is the second post about this tv and so far Im not very impressed. Has anyone else experienced their picture dimming when watching football ? I watched a Euro 2020 game this afternoon and initially the settings were fine up until the game kicked off. Within a few minutes the picture had dimmed so much the match looked as though it was being played during the evening. I found it unacceptable. Can anyone relate to this ? Thanks


Peak brightness set to high is meant for HDR. In SDR should be off, so I think you are pushing way to high the panel and force it to dim. Imho

Its too dark though if its not set too high, at least I think so. Do you find it ok ?

I agree with Toastybits. On my TV, peak brightness set to medium, which is default, makes the picture too dim. However, the problem is still the same. It makes no difference.

It's either auto dimming, whilst set to off, still functioning or ABL is set too high and is being overly aggressive.

I have been in touch with Richer Sounds and they have advised me to contact customer service. I will keep you updated.

@Toastybits  ha scritto:

Its too dark though if its not set too high, at least I think so. Do you find it ok ?


SDR (movie and broadcast) are produced to a standard 100/120 nits luminance, that's what is reached by peak luminance to off (see the personal profile for reference). You can adjust the brigthness in daylight. Any other setting if off-reference (while in HDR should be set to high to exploit the maximum highlight, not the entire scene as in SDR).

But you are free to do what you like (even if the electronics may then intervene to prevent OLED consumption)

Can I ask if you have had the dimming issue resolved? After a lot of research I looked at both the 48a9 and the LG C1 and plumped for the a9 but have been having the same issues with the aggressive abl on football much like you. Really spoiled the tv for me. I’ve tried all sorts of settings but have found on the custom picture setting I need to have peak luminance on high but knocking back the gamma to -1 or -2 and brightness around 20 to minimise the dimming. The seller has been really helpful and I do have the option of exchanging for the LG. However don’t want to ‘jump out of the frying pan into the fire’ and find the LG abl is as bad, or be disappointed with the panel. I can live with the dimming on newsfeeds etc as you’d expect the abl to kick in with static news bars but can’t understand why it’s so bad when watching football. Still persevering as films etc look great. Feedback would be really helpful if you’ve found any info yourself?

@Paul-M  Hi Paul. Its not really been an issue for me as i don't follow football that much. The games i have watched, i.e England are mostly played in the evening when the stadium lighting is on which results in a good picture. I won't be able to judge the extent of the dimming more accuratley until the next world cup when the matches are played throughout the day, (I think). Don't quote me on this but I believe the LG's dimming is not so harsh, (don't know which model), as the tv only dims the static logos on screen without affecting the picture, (you'll have to check it out though) Here are the settings I use, listed below. Aside from this, I can't really help you...sorry.


Picture - Standard

Light sensor - off

Brightness - max

contrast -85

Gamma - max

Black level - 54

Peak Luminence - high

Colour - 42

Colour Temp - Expert 1

And I tend to dim the brightness to around 35/40 at night with a lamp on in the background.

Hi @Toastybits . Thanks for your feedback it’s really appreciated. I seem to be going round in circles with Sony. They’ve emailed me and just asked to do a picture test on the help page but that’s next to useless as it’s only showing whether you’ve got a picture or not. The shop phoned Sony technical and they’d never even heard of abl! Very reluctantly I think I’m going to have to exchange the set for an LG C1 48. This is my third Sony tv and it’s the only one I’ve had problems with. Disappointing as you know it’s not a cheap set.

@Toastybits  ha scritto:

@Paul-M  Hi Paul. Its not really been an issue for me as i don't follow football that much. The games i have watched, i.e England are mostly played in the evening when the stadium lighting is on which results in a good picture. I won't be able to judge the extent of the dimming more accuratley until the next world cup when the matches are played throughout the day, (I think). Don't quote me on this but I believe the LG's dimming is not so harsh, (don't know which model), as the tv only dims the static logos on screen without affecting the picture, (you'll have to check it out though) Here are the settings I use, listed below. Aside from this, I can't really help you...sorry.


Picture - Standard

Light sensor - off

Brightness - max

contrast -85

Gamma - max

Black level - 54

Peak Luminence - high

Colour - 42

Colour Temp - Expert 1

I think I've told you already, maybe you did the wrong thing buying an OLED. Those setting for SDR are way too wrong. And I don't know how you decided to change them (apart from peak luminance you changed colour black level and gamma setting them off the right value). If you use those setting every day, apart from viewing something completely wrong, you'll destroy the panel. Being it an lg or a Sony or a Panasonic. You may find it better with a high peak brightness LCD TV.

Hi @rooobb. I’ve tried various settings and looked at recommended settings from sites like and all recommend setting peak luminance to high. Just to set my mind to rest I’ve just reset the custom picture setting and tried this as it stands with luminance on medium. Watching a football match now and within minutes the picture dims. I am aware that you do have to be careful with oleds re image retention and burn but personally  I feel that Sony’s abl seems to be particularly aggressive.