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Sony XD9305 - All Failing / Bricked after a few weeks/months?

Sony XD9305 - All Failing / Bricked after a few weeks/months?

Hi all,


My TV Sony 55XD9305 failed to switch on this morning, no power, no response to remote or Tv switches. Left switched off, still no joy with different power sockets.


What is concerning is that a £2000 (at the time of purchase) has failed so quickly.


Having read a couple of other threads, it seems to be widespread.


Can everyone who has experienced this issue, please let me know if they know what the fault is and what parts they replaced?


Also, the last thing i want is a repeat once it's fixed, so does anyone know if SONY are aware of faulty components and do the replaced parts have a fix in place?


I intend to pursue this with SONY for an answer, so it would be good to have collective evidence in this post.


The Xd9305 was already sluggish, slow and always losing Wireless connection with SONYs own Soundbar, now this..... Well done SONY, I will never buy Sony ever again

Not applicable

The only thread that descibes this is:


However I note that you have already found that thread.

Rang up Sony this morning, been told the next available engineer is on Thursday, thats 3 more days just for a visit and no TV.


SONY you just get more dissapointing with every move.


Let this be a lesson for anyone browsing this forum and considering SONY, avoid like the plague and go buy LG instead. Sony charge over the odds for technology that fails within weeks/months and don't expect a quick response from their support, you have to fit in with their schedule, not yours.

Not applicable

Hi there


I understand your disappointment and I can agree that service and manufacturing build quality could be inproved greatly.  And this is not just Sony, across the industry.  A quick 'Google' on LG gives me many examples of the same thing.

LG Disappointment.jpg


And if I googles Samsung, Id get similar results.



I'm sure all manufacturers have their issues.... but this is not what i expect when paying over £2000 for an Sony TV.


I pay over the odds for what is supposed to be a superior brand.....that extra money obviously goes in SONY's pocket and not their Research & Development section.

Got a call to say it's repaired and will be delivered to me mid-week this week, that almost 2 weeks !!!!

They are only coming to deliver it because it fits in with their own schedule.... this is what you get with buying a £2000 TV from SONY.


The fault for anyone out there is a Failed DPS board, so make a note and report it in this thread. I want to ensure that SONY don't get away with this and it's worth looking into a Class Action if there are enough failures.


Sony actually said to me "ha a handful of failtures on our Forum when we have sold thousands is not a problem"..


So, we'll see SONY, as time marches on.... lets see what the public thinks...

My TV has just done the same, rang the helpdesk but they are now closed until tomorrow.


I had a Sony 5.1 all-in-one surround system 10 years ago and it failed 1 day after the warranty ran out. Cost £500 new and £200 to repair as it had 6 lasers! Went faulty 6 months later so swore I'd never buy Sony again. 


10 years later, bought this tv and it's bricked after 6 months. Not happy but at least it's under 5 year warranty. 


Also have a Panasonic plasma that failed after 4 years, again under warranty so not a problem. I'm sure all the manufacturers have their problems.