TVheadend on Sony Android TV

TVheadend on Sony Android TV

If using TVheadend as backend for live TV from DVB-sources, I have until now used KODI 17 the "notso*****ty" Build to watch Sat-TV as you find here to make it work well with TVheadend.


I just discovered the TVheadend Live Channels app for Android TV. To download it you might become a member at the apps site at Google+ first and join the beta program.


This Live Channels app integrates well with the ui of the Sony TV more like the inbuilt DVB-tuners does. It places your TVheadend channles in the "Streaming Channels" from the home screen, and you can assign it to the TV-button on the remote. You make favorite channel lists just as for the inbuilt "Satelite" or "Digital" TV. I just start using it, so can not tell anymore right now, but it looks very promising :slight_smile:

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Hi there


Glad you've managed to get something working nicely that your happy with :slight_smile:  For others who view this thread, you must have a TVHeadend Server running - therefore this is rather a niche app I think.



Thats thrue, it is ment as advice to setups allready running TVheadend on some device at home, and wants a simple complement to Kodi on your Sony TV.


The benefit of using TVheadend is that you can watch live-TV and recordings on any computer/Android-TV/Mobile phone/Pad on your LAN. It´s a bit tricky and I think you have to be a bit of a tech-freak to enjoy thr setup and administration of it. You can also schedule recordings from your phone as long youre online.

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From what I have seen of it, it does appear quite good especially the ability to watch on multiple devices etc.  But you are right, its something for the quite techy to setup and administrate. :trophy: