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I can't send images


I can't send images

Bonjour tout le monde, 

J'aurais desesperement besoin d'aide car je ne parviens pas à envoyer de GIF, j'adore en envoyer afin d'exprimer ce que je ressens.

Jai déjà essayer de réinstaller whatsapp, et aussi redémarré mon téléphone, mais cela n'a pas fonctionné. Crying_FaceAngry_Face_with_Horns

Merci d'avance pour ce que vous pourrez faire pour moi.

A bientôt ! Face_blowing_a_Kiss

Hello everyone,

I would be in desperate need of help because I can not send GIF, I love sending it to express what I feel.

I already tried to reinstall whatsapp, and also restarted my phone, but it did not work. Cry :: Angry_Devil:

Thank you in advance for what you can do for me.

See you soon ! : Kissing_Heart:



Hi @lilisam2011, welcome to our forum!

I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

You mention WhatsApp in your post, is that the application you can't send images via, or do you send them as MMS?

The support that I can provide for third party applications is very limited, but I know that WhatsApp have a lot of troubleshooting available at their website so take a look there and see if that helps.

If you are using a pre-installed application, let me know the name of the app and I'll do my best to assist you! Slightly_smiling_Face