Photography Events

Photography Events


This year you can be sure to look forward to a number of unforgettable trade fair days at a dealer near you! You will be presented by Sony, all of the latest products within their Photography and Video categories.


What will happen on the day? Each dealer event offers help to photographers of all levels. Experts will be there to help you, advise you, and give you some great tips & suggestions on products you might be interested in or products you may already own.

Please see the dates of all the dealer events below. The event list is kept updated as long as changes to the events are made, or additional events are added.


Dealer Location Date
Harrison Sheffield 19.11.2016
Cambrian Colwyn Bay 26.11.2016
WEX Norwich 26.11.2016
LCE Southampton 27.11.2016
Cameraworld London 02.12.2016
Park Cameras London 03.12.2016
Park Cameras Burgess Hill 03.12.2016
Peter Rogers Stafford 03.12.2016
LCE Portsmouth 10.12.2016
Camera Centre Cardiff 10.12.2016
Clifton Dursley 17.12.2016
WEDDING SOCIETY London 13-15/01/2017
PHOTOSHOW Birmingham 18-21/03/2017
LCE Lincoln High Street 29.04.2017
Cambrian Colwyn Bay 27.05.2017
Clifton Dursley 10.09.2017


Hint: Please click the Dealer names highlighted in blue color to find out more information on the selected event.