BDP-S7200's serious problem with 3D


BDP-S7200's serious problem with 3D

Weird problem with my BDP-S7200: after having played James Cameron's "Avatar" 3D blu-ray (first 3D BD ever played), during the normal use with standard (not 3D) BD, but also with DVD, CD etc., the device randomly switches the TV's resolution to 2880x1080 60Hz and back to 1920x1080 24Hz, or better it tries to do the former, because the TV is just Full HD (1920x1080) and doesn't support 2880x1080.

Later I tried several other 3D blu-ray discs and they don't even play: the TV (a Sony KDL-50W808C) shows a black screen with "1080p 3D" printed on the upper left corner, then the writing disappears and a new one appears: "2880x2205 24Hz". Then total black, "1080p 3D", total black, "2880x2205 24Hz", and so on, indefinitely (the movie never starts).

Any idea about how to get rid of this situation?

By the way, I disabled 4K support in the BD player.

P.S. How do I perform a hard reset or something (just resetting the unit via its menu doesn't help)?




I just found this thread from a link on another site and thought I would comment on what i have noticed on my Sony.

I too get a black screen when watching Blu-rays.

It will only happen for a few seconds, and the sound remains playing, via a 3rd party AVR. It tends to only happen once during a film & rewinding the blu ray and rewatching, the black screen doesnt occur again in the same place. 

It has never happened (yet, touch wood) when watching a standard DVD, it only seems to affect blu-rays.


It is almost as if it is dropping the HD video signal for a short time.


I should change the HDMI cables and give that a try, but a question if I may?


If I were to switch to 4.2.2 output as a temporary fix is there any visible drop in video quality? Does it affect how 3D blu-rays look?



Not applicable

Hi there


What you are describing is probably the bluray player changing the laser to another layer on the disc itself - hence the short brief pause - as it happens at the same space each time.


Bluray discs come with either a single layer (25GB) or dual layer (50GB):




I dont believe its is the bluray changing layers as the black screen does not happen at the same point when the disk is rewound.

I used to see that behaviour on my old DVD player as the disc would pause slightly.


The black screen only happens when watching blurays - any DVD I watch plays with no issue, which leads me to think its the size/quality of the signal.


I have changed HDMI cables to no avail.

Also turned off the HDMI passthrough on my AVR.


Wondered if any other users had noticed the same, where DVD playback is unaffected but Blu Ray playback is.