BDV870 lip sync / av sync problems

BDV870 lip sync / av sync problems

Hi there

I have had a BDV870 for a couple of years now. I have always had problems with "a/v sync" or "lip sycning" if you will. I have got the latest firmware update, have good quality Chord 1.3b cables, so this is not the issue.

Have put up with it for now just tweaking the av sync option but am getting tired of this. Have got a new sony tv now and have also connected hdmi to ARC on both tv and the 870 and done a factory reset. Still no improvement. The difference in sync is so different between tv, blu ray and dvd sources it is incredibly annoying as you have to tweak this almost every time depending on what source you use.

Makes it very difficult to explain to babysitters, or family who are using the TV for the night !

Please can someone share their genius ? I imagine its too late for Sony to take responsibility to swap to a different model as is over a year now and was bought from an online retailer.



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