RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode


RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode

My RDR HXD870 updates about 4 x per day which is normally fine but now it locks in to update which completely freezes the machine .  When this happens the only way to release it is to hold in the power button for 7secs. I have tried a hard reset and a firmware update...both failed to cure it. Any ideas anyone please.

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You need a CD-R or CD-RW disk for the update. You must set the iso to 9660 and finalise the disk (no multisession).


Still no saving the channels between power down, after 20+ attempts, but we can watch TV on it at least.


I spent nearly all day performing the same factory reset and firmware update, even going out to buy CD-R especially to do the firmware, which made no difference.  Then I found I was not alone! Thanks to all on this forum for making me aware that this is a broader issue.


My HXD-870 that had served me so well for many years nearly got retired (via the window) today.  Hopefully normal service will be resumed asap (as I have loads of stuff I need to record tomorrow!)


I'm waiting for YOU, SONY.





Thank you - it worked although have had to rescan for channels a couple of times.
Why is it my old Sony DVD RDR HXD710 is working perfectly and not the newer model?
Wonder how many people have gone and bought new recorders today assuming theirs has died? I only realised when a friend mentioned that her recorder had died yesterday and was going to have to replace it.
Am amazed there is nothing on Sony's website about this!

Same problem here, but my son managed to fix it by tuning using France as the country in the Easy install section.No need to buy a new recorder as I'm sure Sony will have a fix for this soon.


I was lucky today.  My HXD870 had the same problems as everyone else but I had not read this thread.  I assumed my machine was faulty and took it to my local dealer who tested it and told me it had probably had it.  I was just about to hand over several hundred pounds for a replacement, when somebody else came into the shop with his HXD870, which also died yesterday evening.  Obviously too much of a coincidence, so the very helpful shop owner told us to take them home and contact Sony.


I too wonder how many new machines have been needlessly purchased today.


my machine has the same problem. scary how life reliant i've become on this technology. Going for a walk, sony can call me on the mobile if they're bothered.


Well I am getting further, I get to DOWNLOAD-5 & it freezes, cant turn it off need to uplug & do again, I suppose



I've lost all channels on RDR-HDX995 but didn't think to look here, downloaded firmware update as its newer than mine (although posted by Sony in 2010) but only got to DOWNLOAD-5 and its stuck.

A bit worried about switching off during a firmware update!!!!


Anyone able to advise please?!?!?


I have done what a lot of people have advised and done through the easy set up again, choosing France as location and now it seems relatively ok. I can see all channels through the recorder and can record programmes manually.


Thanks to all that have offered help and advice on this feed, shame Sony couldn't do the same!  Hope they sort out the epg issue quickly(if this is what is causing the problems).





I have the very same problem, spent most of last night trying to resolve this, reloading the firmware (which gets stuck on download -5 ) Will try the proposed solution now I've found it fingers crossed but Sony need to provide a proper solution to this!