Notification sounds not working


Notification sounds not working

My wife's phone is not making sounds when SMS etc received, nor is it showing the icon in the notification bar. I have gone through all the settings I could find and made sure a sound is selected & the proper boxes are ticked; I copied from the settings on my phone, also an Xperia SP bought at the same time as hers. Mine works fine, hers does not. The SMS shows up when she opens the app, but no notifications. Her ring tone works when a call comes through and we hear the sound when selecting a tone in settings. Any clues will be gratefully received. Thanks.

I have Xperia M, it started a few days back the notification tone is the same as the phone's ringtone. The notification tone doesn't change at all. I have tried updating, reset factory setting etc. but none of it works. The notification tone works according to the phone's ringtone not as per i set the notification tone. Please help me find a solution as fast as possible.


Will it delete all my smses stored in my Phone?


Hi, I tried your fix but didn't see an option to clear the data under all apps.  In Whatsapp I sometimes receive message / call notification sounds and sometimes don't.  I use the app both to talk with friends, family,  & work and regularly miss important messages from all three because of this.  If the problem cannot be resolved I am switching back to iPhone on my next upgrade.


its a sony software problem and sony does not care or I dont know

try all what you want if you use a voip app and when in voice call a notification comes you will lose the notification sound till reboot I tried every thing and only rebooting solve the issue 

we need sony to look at this problem because other brands doesn't have this problem 

I have an xperia Z2 the problem presist after last august update


Try turning off "mobile data" and see what happens.


I have an SP C5306 and it has gone silent. I will try your solution later today but I'm doubtful it will work.

At the moment, there is no sound when I touch any buttons and I have it set to make a sound. When selecting a new ringtone or message notification, I can't hear it play.

But if I go into SETTINGS -> SOUND -> VOLUMES and move the sliders for Ringtone and Alarms all the way up, it plays those.

However, when I slide the Music / Video & other Media over, it stays silent even with the music player running.

So in short, the speakers work fine but something else is goofed up. Slightly_frowning_Face


Update: Tried the clear cache messaging and it is still not working. Also been through complete factory reset, after which it restarts and on boot, displays a triangle with tools, then gets stuck in bootloop with the color swirl. On hard reset via the back's OFF button, it boots up.

Still only getting sound via the settings => sound => volumes sliders.

Any tips would be appreciated.


I am having the same issue since the last software update. I get no notification or tone for my text messages and have to physically check messaging constantly. It's so frustrating. I have tried the fixes listed in this forum but nothing seems to be working. If this is an issue with the update should Sony not be sending another out to fix this problem?


do you have an Xperia S?


No, an XZ