Desperate Smile

Picture was taken at Hochlantsch mountain peak (1734m) in Styria/ Austria. Showing a man sitting near by the peak (large wooden cross), his girlfriend was actually shouting at him, all he could do was smiling.

What is Exif data?

Exif data is a record of the settings a camera used to take a photo or video. This information is embedded into the files the camera saves, and we read and display it here.

Taken with a N/A
Software N/A
Taken on N/A
Aperture Value N/A
Shutter Speed N/A
White Balance N/A
Flash Status N/A
Focal Length N/A
Program Setting N/A
Color Space N/A
Lens N/A
Picture was taken at Hochlantsch mountain peak (1734m) in Styria/ Austria. Showing a man sitting near by the peak (large wooden cross), his girlfriend was actually shouting at him, all he could do was smiling.
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