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Can Video Unlimited purchases be downloaded directly to the sd card?
** Update: I can download to tablet and transfer to an sd card, but can not play this transferred purchase directly from the card. I need to transfer it back to the tablet to view.
It would be better to play directly from the card! Also when stored to the card it stores as letters and numbers, not the name of the film/tv series, why?
Message was edited by: to-tom
I've got the same problem, it doesn't work with other apps like the 20th Century Fox Digital Copy App either. I hope this will be fixed with the next Android update.
To prevent unauthorised copying these films are copy right protected. It's unlikely to change any time soon.
So you'll have to keep the films on the internal storage for now
i don't think the copyright protection works that way.
i think it has to do with read/write rights on the sdcard.
your right to play the files is done via your account.