Share your experience!
The title say's is all really. Most, may be all of us who purchased an Xperia S Tablet at launch were sold a faulty unit. Sony told, what are presumably, as early adopters, some of their most loyal customers, that there was a problem with water resistance with the tablet. We were asked to wait for a few weeks and eventually it was confirmed that tablets had to be returned by courier for repair. This was meant to take 5 working days. Has anyone had their tablet back yet? Is there anyone whose tablet isn't waiting for parts? Has anyone managed to get Sony to actually offer a refund? Has anyone been offered a brand new tablet to replace a faulty unit?
I'm not going to threaten never to purchase Sony hardware again. I'm based in the UK and have e-mailed the BBC consumer programme Watchdog about the selling of a faulty product not fit for purpose, reluctance to offer a refund, refusal to offer a new replacement, and a recall with no parts in place to affect a repair. I received a callback today and am speaking to a researcher again on Monday. If you are in a similar position post here as they may be interested in your experiences as well.
Nothing more from Watchdog except that they've opened a file and are now broadcasting every week day so there's a good chance of them taking up the story. They asked me to send any further information so I've updated them on Sony's clear refusal to offer refunds - even if the tablet was a day old and failed!
Hi Paul,
I have had no reply from Watchdog. They broadcast in the morning, I think, so I cannot always watch it.
If you hear if and when they will include your story, can you send me a message please?
I'll post back if I hear anything.
I'll post any response here. I hope they take this on as the way Sony have dealt with this is a total shables and they deserve as much publicity as possible for their total lack of respect and disregard for their customers.