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Sony Tablet P problem with sudden sim code

Sony Tablet P problem with sudden sim code

I was just wondering if any other Tablet P owners have experienced the same as I have?

Quick facts:

- My tablet is brand new and with 3G.

- I have sim card inserted and sim card lock turned on.

- Yes the tablet is updated to 4.0.3.

Now my problem is that if I leave my tablet turned on and closed for many hours (12+), then when I open it, it wants my sim card code again. I was under the impression that the sim card code was only for when the power had been turned of and then on again?I've tried leaving Crash Bandicoot paused to see what would happen when I had anything running, and it still happened that I had to type in my sim card code yet again when opening the tablet. After punching in the code I was thrown right back to my Crash game, so I assume, that it does not entirely reboot when asking for the sim card code yet again. One could think that it might be a power saving feature, but while experimenting I've had it plugged to a power supply the whole time.

Dear other tablet P owners have this ever happened to you? Is my tablet faulty? Can it be changed, in any way other than disabling my sim card code?