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Just need a bit of advice it concerns the Sony Xperia Tablet S SGPT121GB of which I recently purchassed as well as a Sony BraviaKDL32EX653 With the smart TV having internet access it would be an advantage to use the keyboard from the tablet to access the internet through the smart TV, I have made the WI FI direct mode connection with no problem all is fine but the TV is then asking:
'Please send content from a connected device'
How do I do that? any idea's
The link on the WI FI is very strong but I must be missing something
The remote for the TV throght the tablet works fine no probelms so I must be doing something wrong
As you can guess I am a bit of a novice when it comes to computers
I look forward to any help out their
Please do not take my comments as gospel - I do not have a modern Bravia with wifi direct mode and I have the S tablet not the Xperia.
Firstly whilst it would be great for navigating the web on your Bravia I do not think u can connect your tablet keyboard to the Bravia.
Secondly, connecting your tablet to your smart tv or smart BDP or to your PC is about sending/receiving video and audio files from/to your tablet and another device. EG it allows you toplay (render) a video stored on your tablet onto your tv screen or (via your tablet ) take a music file from your PCand play it on your audio/visual system.
This uses a technology called DLNA - you need software (download for free from the Android marketplace) although I think you will find that the Sony music and video players on your Xperia will do this - not sure if they let you pull afile from your PC or network file server (I use Bubbleupnp for all this.
I did a quck google search on wifi direct mode and this seems to let you connec t your Xperia tothe Bravia without needing a wifi network. I am not sure how that works but having made the connection it is now asking you to send it a file to play on the tv (I think!!)