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После загрузки обновления на Soni XPeRia до андроид 8.0 возникла проблема - меня не слышно при телефонных разговорах. Звук булькает, пропадает, стихает, прерывается. Но при звонках через Ватцап - меня слышат хорошо. Телефон не падал, в воду не попадал. Перепробовала все советы которые нашла, отключала Окей гугл , меняла мобильную сеть, отключала микрофон из приложений , меняла сим карту, в итоге сделала полный сброс! Но проблема осталась ! Помогите , что делать ? Не хочется нести в ремонт! Скажите когда выйдет новая исправленная версия !? После сброса настроек до заводских, система осталась 8.0😫
After downloading the update to Soni XPeRia before Android 8.0, a problem arose - I was not heard during telephone conversations. The sound gurgles, disappears, subsides, interrupts. But when calling via Watzap, they hear me well. The phone did not fall, did not fall into the water. I tried all the tips that I found, turned off Okay Google, changed the mobile network, disconnected the microphone from the applications, changed the SIM card, eventually made a complete reset! But the problem remained! Help what to do? I do not want to carry in the repair! Tell me when the new corrected version will be released!? After resetting to factory settings, the system remained 8.0😫
Hi @Nata_N
Would you be so kind to translate your post to English using
And do you have this problem in safe mode too?
hi, i have the same problem, and i have done restart then the network is gone, no sim card.
I searched on internet and i made reset and tried the code *#4636#*#*, and i tried several options as written on inernet which i don't know which, the network came back, two days later i heared the notifications not good so i restarted the x compact and till now i have no network.
Help, any ideas
If you use Xperia Companion on your PC to reinstall the firmware on your phone, and you still have the problems, then it is likely that there is a defect in the hardware. The SIM card tray is very delicate, so there might be a problem with the electrical contacts. Have you inspected the SIM card slot for any dust or other debris?
No, how can I check this?
Switch off device.
Pull out the sim card tray, take out the sim card (and sd card if present)
Clean sim card.
Slide it in and out several times.
Repeat this maybe.
Did you already do a software repair with Xperia Companion?
The Software repair mostly does the trick.
No searching and trying, just Software repair.
Try it.
Thanks for your reply.
I have done repair and it was working, during my installation of the apps, the gsm restarted and i lost the network again.
repaire done for seconde time, no network.
So the conclusion must be that one of your installed apps is causing trouble.
I suggest that you do a repair with Xperia Companion again.
After that don't restore apss.
Just install the most needed apps, that's all.
The result will be that your machine will be lean, clean and mean.
In the end you will find out that you won't miss the majority of the apps you had installed before.
Hope it will be successful now!