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How to set up Wifi calling


How to set up Wifi calling

Being out in the sticks, I don't have a phone signal. How do I set up Wifi calling on my Xperia X? I've looked online but the instructions don't seem to work. 


Hi @LotusExcel!

The Xperia X supports Wi-Fi calling, but there are some other requirements that will need to be met for you to be able to use this service.

  • your operator and subscription (incl. SIM card) must support Wi-Fi Calling for the device model you're using.
  • depending on operator, your phone must sometimes be operator-branded and/or use operator-customised system software.
  • your phone must be in range of a Wi-Fi network.

The setting for Wi-Fi calling can be found if you open up the application called "Phone" > Tap the menu button (three vertical dots) > Settings > Calls > Wi-Fi Calling. If the option is not available here, get in touch with your operator for more information.

I hope that helps!