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Lost photos
I went to the album and found that most of the photos, folders, were gone. I myself did not delete anything, did not transfer it, did not clean it. Very upset, right up to the desire to change the phone, until the remaining photos dear to my heart disappeared
Пропали фотографии
Зашла в альбом и обнаружила, что большая часть фотографий, папок пропали. Сама ничего не удаляла, не переносила, не зачищала. Расстроена очень, вплоть до желания сменить телефон, пока не пропали оставшиеся дорогие сердцу фотографии
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Photos are deleted from the album. I did not delete anything, did not move photos. I was very upset, I even thought about buying a new phone, until the remaining valuable photos disappeared
I've edited your post as this is an English only forum, you can use Google Translate to reply and/or post.
I'm sorry to hear that but the only way for the pictures and videos to be deleted is if you or someone delete them OR if you granted such permission to an app such as google photos to back up your photos/videos and then free up space.
Download a file commander and check the internal storage, perhaps the photos and/or videos are still there.