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No service


No service


I have read the other posts on No service No sim card issue.

I have done factory reset. The phone is unlocked, I have two simcards, local and from europe.

I try to be more specific in my question.

Can the cell service (connection to tower) be separated from the data service?

I am attaching some pictures.

It seems to me it sees the sim as the sim crossed icon is goes away. Infact the sim card icon goes away. I just get the triangle.

Sometimes it says No Service.

It says Registered on network when clicking on automatic networks, the search network, never finds anything.


Screenshot_20190710-164013.pngIn network setting, I don't have GSM only or GSM preferred. This is where I would like to figure out the connection to the tower, cell service, not data as I ca do without that.

Gone into the service info, I can see a lot more options, but they don't seem to stick.

I don't see a save option, so I assume after I change it, it is applied.

It also seem to default to 4G(pref.wcdma/gsm)


Set Preferred Network Type is always LTE/UMTS auto(PRL) this is where I don't know if this even matters for cell service? Or the ping test.

Mobile Radio Power I saw it truned on, I saw it truned off.


I see evetually the pictures showed up and I have more info, so I will continue.

After putting a sim card in it, it will change.

First this.


Then the Radio Power gets turned off.


At another time I even saw my phone number, so it clearly read the sim !


I had an issue with my SIM when I was abroad.

It didn't connect.

It loaded the APN from Vodafone from that country.

Went to the website of my provider in my country.

Set APN avoiding my own countries settings and voila!

It worked!