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Users Experience with Fingerprint log in


Users Experience with Fingerprint log in

Hello guys, until now I am reluctant to use log in my Xz with fingerprint as it's buggy in my brief experience specially that my unit is enclosed in black flip case. I am still using the tried and tested 4 numbers log in. How about the rest of Xperia xz users what can you say about it. Did you find it easy to use..? Do you recommend or discourage it to fellow xz users.?

Hello Jonas. No, it happens a couple times /day. It doesent fail to register, it doesent try..(display is black) It takes 1-2 sec, then it unlocks happily. It nerver fails reading the print as long as the finger is dry and clean. I'll try safemode and get back.

Tried safemode now. I can confirm that problem still exists.

Thanks for the update!

What you are experiencing is that the screen does not turn on at all when you are pressing the ON/OFF button as you normally would do, is that correct?

You need to press the ON/OFF button first and then you can, for example put one of the fingers which finger print you have registered on the button again and it will unlock the phone, or keep the same one of the fingers on the button.

Could you please explain in detail how you are doing it?

I'm sorry if I misunderstood your answer.


I press the on/off, nothing happens for 1-2sec, then it unlocks as it should. I dont have to do anything. It just simply lags. There is no problem reading the finger. When this occur i can either keep pushing button, or just push it once, there is no difference. The phone always unlocks, but sometimes it just takes a while. As i said, this never happend with mm. It is no big issue, its just annoying.

And btw, here are a more people having same problem as i..

Thanks for the swift reply! Slightly_smiling_Face

I see, I totally misunderstood what you meant, sorry for that.

One user seems to have solved it with using another launcher, that is something I would recommend that you tried that out at first.

There is plenty of different launchers in the Google Play store that you can try.

Should you experience the same behaviour with another launcher I would recommend performing a software repair using Xperia Companion, if that is something you are willing to do. Do note that this will delete all data stored on the internal storage in the phone so I'd recommend that you backup using Xperia Companion prior to starting with the software repair procedure.

I fully understand that it's very annoying and I'm sorry about that.

Let me know how it goes and have a great weekend! Slightly_smiling_Face


My recent experience with fingerprint log is becoming better after few days of practice. Where initially. I pressed too hard to get a notification whether I want to shut down, restart or make a screen shot. 😀. But I did notice that it's faster than the other means of secured log in.. 😜

Hi again @trashcan,

I'm happy to hear that you decided to start using the fingerprint feature on your phone and that you are liking it! Slightly_smiling_Face

When I first started using it I did the exact same thing as you, pressed it to hard, forgot that I even activated the feature and so on! Slightly_smiling_Face

But after a while I got used to it and I hope that is the case for you as well!


Tried enabling finger scanner but my signal reception got weak from full bar to a bar or none. I tried UK and CE firmwares, they worked flawlessly but yeah the downside was poor signal reception, even if I reset and download my carriers data settings. Sony please just work with HP about the patent thingy on the finger scanner and enable it in US version. Thank you