55xd9305 - what is the current UK build

55xd9305 - what is the current UK build

Hi - first post on this forum.

I am in the UK, and have a Sony Brava 55xd9305, which had  YouView working OK. Now it isn't and hasn't worked for several months. The TV has build  SVP4KDTV15_EU-user 5.1.1 LMY48E.S265 3.533 release-keys, and this appears to be the latest build, as I sony tells me that there is no update available.

I had read previously on a web page (Cannot find this now), that some people in the UK had updated to a non-UK build, and was wondering if this is the situation for me.

Sorry if this is a repeat question, but was unable to find anything previously. - alan


As a follow-up, just tried again after months of it not working, and, it is now doing so. Previously, things such as the ITV player not being displayed, no programs available to play prior to the current date/time etc.

Not applicable

Hi there


Firmware version 3.533 is the current firmware for your TV.  See:



Under no circumstances would I advise you installing another region firmware.  It is likely to cause you issues and probably would void warranty too.  Quite a while ago now, the UK FW version was slightly different to the EU version (the additon of YouView).  So when some UK people updated their firmware to the TV with the addition of a VPN or Smart DNS, the EU version was installed.  However the UK and EU versions are now the same.  But the US and Asia Pacific region is totally different.

