Brand new tv won't switch on!


Brand new tv won't switch on!

Just bought the sony bravia xd93, watched it for an hour now it has completely died and wont work does anyone have any ideas?


Accepted Solutions

@nicolechris wrote:

Just bought the sony bravia xd93, watched it for an hour now it has completely died and wont work does anyone have any ideas?

(I) there is a thing called the bathtub curve - because it looks like a cross-section through a bathtub - where some kit fails immediately, or very quickly. And the kit that doesn't runs uneventfully for several years, before the frequency of faults starts to increase again.


Call the retailer, and demand a replacement.




(ii)  Shortly after first install, a set that has been sitting at a retailer, or in a warehouse, determines that it is a software release or so behind, automatically downloads the latest update, and starts installing it, with the warning not to switch the set off during the process, or you will brick it.


This has happened and :-


(a) the set will return shortly (as the update can take upwards of thirty minutes)


(b) you switched it off mid-update, and as you were duly warned, this bricked it


(c) it bricked itself on the update anyway.


Call the retailer and demand a replacement, disclaiming (b) as a possible cause.

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

View solution in original post


@nicolechris wrote:

Just bought the sony bravia xd93, watched it for an hour now it has completely died and wont work does anyone have any ideas?

(I) there is a thing called the bathtub curve - because it looks like a cross-section through a bathtub - where some kit fails immediately, or very quickly. And the kit that doesn't runs uneventfully for several years, before the frequency of faults starts to increase again.


Call the retailer, and demand a replacement.




(ii)  Shortly after first install, a set that has been sitting at a retailer, or in a warehouse, determines that it is a software release or so behind, automatically downloads the latest update, and starts installing it, with the warning not to switch the set off during the process, or you will brick it.


This has happened and :-


(a) the set will return shortly (as the update can take upwards of thirty minutes)


(b) you switched it off mid-update, and as you were duly warned, this bricked it


(c) it bricked itself on the update anyway.


Call the retailer and demand a replacement, disclaiming (b) as a possible cause.

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

as far as we know it wasnt doing an update, we were watching it. So the bath tub fault is the only thing that makes sense so far.