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How do I prevent the TV from switching to TV mode?


How do I prevent the TV from switching to TV mode?

I have a Bravia with Android TV 6.0.x


If I for example, watch a youtube video, then when the video is finished I just let the TV idle, eventually it will switch back to TV mode (meaning it will show broadcast TV). This is really annoying because my apartment is silent for 5-10 minutes and then boom, now suddenly my TV has decided to selfishly show some program I have zero interest in.


How do I prevent the TV from automatically switching back to broadcast TV mode after idling for a while?

Not applicable

Hi there


A couple of settings for you to look at:

  • Daydream - (HOME > Settings > Daydream) - Look at "When to daydream" and "When to sleep"
  • Idle TV Standby (HOME > Settings > Power > Eco) - Look at "Power Saving" and "Idle TV Standby"


Its probably one of those settings, so set a higher value.

