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KD-43XD8077SU - Can't connect phone to TV via Bluetooth?

KD-43XD8077SU - Can't connect phone to TV via Bluetooth?


I recently had to undertake a factory reset on my TV on the advice of Sony's support team to solve an issue with my HDMI slots. Everything went well apart from I couldn't re-connect my Android phone (Motorola Moto G4) to the TV. It has previously been paired to the TV and from memory it was a simple process. Despite the devices being recognised and the pairing codes being identical on the screens I was told that it could not pair because of an incorrect PIN or Passkey. I don't understand this as the codes were the same?

Any help to resolve this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Not applicable

Hi there


I have just paired my Xperia X4 Tablet to my TV (KD-55XD8577) and it would only successfully pair when I was very close to the TV.  However I am unsure why you need to pair your phone via bluetooth to the TV, as I do not know what you are trying to do.  If you are streaming files to the TV, there are simpler and better ways to do so.  Also, I am unsure on what you can do via bluetooth from a phone to the TV.


Can you explain why you are connecting the phone via bluetooth?



Hi Quinnicus,


Thanks for responding. Excuse my ignorance but a friend told me that because both my phone (Motorola Moto G4) and Sony TV are both android devices I could connect them together, so I assumed he meant by Bluetooth. If there's a better way I'd appreciate your guidance. When I tried to pair them through Bluetooth they recognised each other and had the same pairing code so I thought it would be a simple process but unfortunately I was told that the code was incorrect.

When I bought the TV a few weeks ago, I can't remember how I did it, or what prompted me, but from memory I was able to link them quite easily. So this is really confusing me.

Your help would be welcomed.

Many thanks