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KDL-55W755C no audio from Netflix and Amazon prime apps

KDL-55W755C no audio from Netflix and Amazon prime apps

Hi everyone,


We just bought a KDL-55W755C and set it up with our surround sound speaker system. The audio works perfectly for regular television, however there seems to be some problems within the Netflix app. The Netflix app plays audio fine through our external speakers whilst we are in the Netflix menus, however, once we select a show from the menu and press play, one of two things happen: (1) no audio at all plays through our surround sound system, or (2) the speakers begin to play a sound that resembles choppy radio noise.


If I switch the audio mode to play through the TV itself, it works completely fine. Has anyone else run into this problem and found a solution?




@hassdaddy3  ha scritto:

Hi everyone,


We just bought a KDL-55W755C [...]: (1) no audio at all plays through our surround sound system, or (2) the speakers begin to play a sound that resembles choppy radio noise.


If I switch the audio mode to play through the TV itself, it works completely fine. Has anyone else run into this problem and found a solution?



Just bought a 4 years old TV?

In any case the problem seems related to the HT you use rather than the TV. If it does not support the audio codec used by the app you won't hear nothing or a disturbed noise. Please check the documentation related to your HT

Hey, thanks for your reply. The issue has been fixed, I just messed around with the audio output settings till it worked.