
Sony xd9305 bugs

I am so disappointed and annoyed. I have paid 1600 pounds for this tv (xd 9305) and it is clearly a model with bugs despite its incredible 4k picture. For the third time in 10 days the tv has lost all sound when I switch back to hdmi input from you tube app. Only a full factory reset seems to solve the problem but as other owners will know this is a real hassle. I would rather the tv had no android and apps but worked smoothly if this is the price I have to pay. Has anyone else experienced this bug?  Is Sony doing anything to fix this potentially fabulous tv? I expect a tv to work smoothly and with no issues ; and to have been thoroughly tested and debugged before going on sale to the public. So disappointed ...

Not applicable

Hi there


Im going to give you the same reply as I have just posted to someone else.


The only suggestion I have is to wait until the long awaiting Marshmallow firmware is released for these TVs.  It shouldnt be too much longer now smile happy


Once this firmware is released and you have updated your TV - I would advise a factory reset of the TV and then test to see if you still have this issue. 



Thanks for reply Quinnicus. I imagine your job must be a bit overwhelming at times. I feel very frustrated that this tv is not capable of performing without frequent hassles and delays. I also have had to do factory resets for another problem.  Several times when switching back to hdmi 1 to watch Sky q I have just got a black screen and then been unable to get a picture of any kind until completing a factory reset. These things should not be happening. In all I have had to do 7 factory resets in the space of 1 month - that is shocking . As switching between hdmi inputs is a basic need. As is sound coming through for diff apps and inputs.  I would far rather the tv had less apps .. no you view... as long as it could just deliver uhd picture and sound reliably whatever the source. When you invite friends round to see your new tv and then get a black screen when simply changing back to hdmi input ... well... you wonder why you are paying good money to a big name manufacturer. My previous Sony TVs have not had issues of any kind - and reliability is so important.  

Not applicable

Hi there


It is interesting that you are getting a black screen when moving to HDMI 1 to watch Sky Q.  I dont recall others having this issue. It is also interesting that factory reset works only works temporarily.  I am wondering if this is more of a HDMI connection issue than a TV issue.


When this occurs again, can you try going through this:


What I am getting at is, if this was a big problem itself - many others would be complaining of the same issue.  So there is something in my opinon to do with your setup. 



PS: Thanks for the support - I wish it was a 'job' but I do this entirely voluntarily :slight_smile:




Hi there,


I also have the sound problem but have found a better way to resolve it rather than a factory reset.


If you go to the settings menu, scroll across to "about", select this and you will find an option to restart the TV. Do the restart and when the TV reboots the sound is all ok again.... until the next time.


Much quicker than a factory reset and all your settings are left intact.


I have also found that disconnecting the TV from the mains for a minute or so has the same result.


Here's hoping they fix this in an update.

