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Hi, I have a HX9V, Does anyone know how to print a copy of the handbook that came with the CD (not the user guide), I need a copy that I can take way from the computer to sit and study (why oh why did the camera come with its own hard copy).


No, you're not the only one – you can add me to the old fashioned user's club :wink:

I can remember getting my first DSLR and making space in my bag for the huge tome that came with it, using it so much I had to order a replacement. I still carry bits of paper, both for ready reckoners and memory-joggers, but I have to say these days I'm happy enough with electronic versions to leave the manual at home.

I'd figured the enquiries here were looking for PDF versions to display on smartphones etc, but I can certainly see the value in having a physical, ready-readable copy to refer to. Printing off key instructions is the way I'd go, in that case.

I guess we're being 'encouraged' to rely on portable digital technology, if only by omission of hard-copy manuals. On the plus side, its nice to have quality colour illustrations like those in the HTML version, the like of which you'd never see in a printed manual for cost reasons.

Good luck with everything anyway :cool:
