Water damaged Xperia E5


Water damaged Xperia E5

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I recently (5 days ago) dropped my Xperia E5 into a bucket of water. Due to this I can no longer use my phone as the screen remains completely black yet it still appears to respond with vibrations whenever I press on what I guess to be an app. I have bought a Sony Xperia L1 to replace it but I am still unable to access my data (such as: app data, contacts, SMS conversations etc.) from the E5 and it is causing some difficulties. Previously, when swithching to my E5, I used the Xperia Transfer Mobile App to retrieve my data, however, due to the screen being black, I cannot find the app and consequently cannot access the required code to transfer my data. I also tried to use the Xperia Companion software but it registered the phone as being locked and would not allow me to transfer data to my laptop (I then tried the Restore option but I required a backup of my data which I do not have).

If there is a solution and a way to transfer my data, I would be greatly thankful.

Many Thanks,




I'm sorry to hear that, the good news is that your phone is still working, the bad news is that you can't see anything on the screen, you could buy a USB OTG cable + mouse > restart the phone and use the mouse to enter the pin to unlock the phone, however you will have to guess the location of the keys.

You could borrow someone with the same phone or go to a store > once you get to the pin lock screen maybe you can place a piece of paper or something to draw the exact location of each key > place the cut out on your phone > see if that helps


Thank you so much! I will try this and hope that it works.

Many Thanks,
