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BDP S7200 won't play MP3 files on CD-R disks


BDP S7200 won't play MP3 files on CD-R disks

My BDP S7200 will not play mp3 files when I burn them onto a CD-R (in CD-ROM format) and finalise the disk using NERO 15. The BDP S7200 manual says that the player will play CD-ROM disks and that it will play mp3 files. It does not. If I load the same disks into my ancient SONY RDR-HXD860 it plays the disks with the mp3 files no problem! It seems like the codec in the new equipment is less capable than the codec in new equipment. My BDP S7200 has the latest firmware. Has anyone found a way round this? Thanks for any help.


My theory was completely wrong. I tried burning the 'good' MP3 files onto a CD-R in CD-ROM format and the BDP S7200 refused to play them or even see them. So by a process of elimination I decided that the problem must be the disk format. I used Nero 15 to burn a bunch of MP3s onto a CD-R which was formatted as an "Audio CD" and the BDP played them. So there we have it. The manual is correct in so far as the BDP will play CD-Rs and it will play MP3s but only when "Audio CD" format is used. This is slightly disappointing because my ancient SONY RDR-HXD860 will play MP3s on a plain old CD-R in CD-ROM format. The value of this is that you can stick a very large number of minutes MP3s onto a CD-ROM but only a limited number of minutes of MP3s on an "Audio CD". I am slightly disappointed. Still never mind.

Well I'm glad you solved it yourself in the long run though I have to say I'm baffled why you would favour CD's over a thumb drive. Unless you use re-writtable discs CD's are single use meaning you will have to keep buying more and more to accomodate a growing collection of MP3's.


Thumb drives are much more user friendly in that respect and allow for higher capacities and over-writting etc.


I guess I'm just too lazy to keep swapping discs over whenever I want to listen to something different.


Cheers :wink:


P.S. Do you like dance music? If you do there's a great app found in the Opera Store called 'Dance Trippin TV', it's a bunch of live recordings from nightclubs in places like Ibiza, it's great!!


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