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Cannot enable LTE on Xperia SP C5303


Cannot enable LTE on Xperia SP C5303

Hi - I have an unbranded Xperia SP C5303 and I've recently taken out a SIM-only plan with Three UK.  Although I have a 4G enabled SIM, I cannot see the 4G/LTE option in the phone settings.  If I put my SIM card into an Xperia Z1, I can see the option and successfully connect to the 4G signal.  My phone is still on Android 4.1.2.  I used the Sony online chat support, but they didn't know why I can't see the 4G option, and suggested I do a 'repair' using PCC, but I'd really prefer not to do that, because I don't trust that it will properly restore all of my data.  Has anyone else had this issue?


I have a UK unlocked Sony Xperia XP

Just called 3 to find out how to activate 4G

Apparently you have to call Sony (08705 237 237) who will send out some sort of update

Has anybody tried this?


@southstand1882 wrote:

I have a UK unlocked Sony Xperia XP

Just called 3 to find out how to activate 4G

Apparently you have to call Sony (08705 237 237) who will send out some sort of update

Has anybody tried this?

If you read the forums you will see that thats the usual spiel Three are telling their customers, especially sim-free or unlock phones customers, however as i understand it, the networks have to give the manufacturers permission to send out network specific updates.

So Sony is waiting on Three and Three is saying go to Sony.


GuY's it's simple, I have an unlocked SP on Three and I had the same problem as you. All I did was just to flash the latest 4.3 and voila LTE appeared!

As prometej-zg said, the APN setting is T-Mobile Croatia specific. Otherwise I would publish it here.

LTE finally works.


I wiped my device, installed a custom ROM (4.3) and now I can see the LTE option!!

Do I need any APN settings or need to get 3 to send me anything

Or should the LTE just kick in when I'm in a 4G location?


You can either Google the APN setting or ask 3 customer support to send it to you.

I don't know whether you can use 4G. It depends on your carrier's plans and policies. Some carrier charge extra for access to 4G.


@XperiaNow wrote:

You can either Google or ask 3 customer support to send it to you.

I don't know whether you can use 4G. It depends on your carrier's plans and policies. Some carrier charge extra for access to 4G.

The only problem is that 3 doesn't use a different APN for LTE.... Honestly if you ping the settings down it will not make a difference....ROM or Carrier settings from Sony will fix this. 




Guys i manual upgraded my xperia sp from android v4.12 to android v4.3 and now i have the 4th option (LTE (prefferred)/WCDMA/GSM) in Settings > More... > Mobile networks > Network Mode So i can now finally connect to 3 (Three UK) 4g network. Everything is working ok apart from my wifi but trying to figure that out, as that seems to be due to the fact that i didnt clear data before upgrade as i wanted all my setting and apps etc there, so the upgrade with data intact mostly works, its just the wifi, someone told me that if i do a clear install that shouldnt happen. So there you go guys, if you have an unbranded or sim-free xperia sp and want to use 3 (Three UK) 4g, then upgrade to android 4.3. Slightly_smiling_Face


I respect wot you say ChrisG but here's my thoughts:

A '3' network, UK user.

i continued a post of 4.3 upgrade by asking anyone to explain why on earth we should upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3, when SO MANY on this forum have sever issues and bugs with version 4.3!! It seems appalling according to so many users.

I have 2 things to say: One is this upgrade and the other is, not getting 4G on 3's network, like they said i would.

To help others, here's my SP:  C5303 bought from (part of a setup of a few low-cost direct sales firms in the UK).

It came with a 3 'one plan' contract including 4G...but I have never been able to get 4G. 3 blame sony and sony blame buymobiles, who in turn blame 3!

One month ago, i met a Sony sales/tech guy in a 3 store. He looked into the problem, phoned sony and said to me, 'just wait 2 more weeks, 3 will send your phone a signal to receive 4G'. That was a month ago. Still Nothing. Slightly_frowning_Face

When i phoned Sony tech, all i got was 'Take it to the 3 shop', as he couldnt explain why i didnt have 4G option on my mobi.

Yesterday i spent 4 hours on the phone to 3 Tech guys (they called me back) & said i need to upgrade to 4.3 but they dont know how to get it??

Sony PC Companion says my phone is up-to-date. Also, Mobile Settings-About Mobile-Update Software- says I have the latest version too. All wrong.

For ref,  I have 4.1.2 and 12.0A.2.254.

The 3 tech guys even made me backup on Sony PC Companion then RESET my phone back to factory settings, so when i turned it on 4G would be there. nope. That failed and i couldnt restore some of me data from Companion. Most annoying that software doesnt work properly either.

Most interestingly, I just read on this site IF YOU TAKE THE 3 SIM CARD OUT, you get a 4G option in the Netwrok Mode. Great. That's true. But put the 3 Sim back in and the 4G option disapears, only leaving WCDMA/GSM!

it really looks as though the 3 SIM is at fault.

I must try that next, but how to cure it, thats the question? Will 3 give me a 4G compatible Sim, if there is such a thing?

 I need a quick and easy fix. For reference ive been waiting and paying for 4G for over 6 monthe now without the service.

So with all the glitches and bugs in 4.3, who wants your update really?  Why not just wait for 4.4 whenever that is due. 

Tell you what, when my contract is up, i am deffo leaving sony and 3 both have lied to me and i have received poor service. EE seemed a nice bunch when i was there Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi All,

The 4G problem appears to now be fixed when using a 3 SIM card.  I checked today on Sony Update Service and an update was available.  The build number is 12.0.A.2.254.  This now gives the 4G option which was missing before.  This is still Android 4.1.2, but this may help other 3 users.  I haven't checked that the phone actually sees and works with 3's 4G Network, but it did with no SIM card in.  I'll try and check in a 3 4G area soon and post back unless someone else beats me to it :).  Hopefully this is what we have been waiting for.  Where I am located at the moment, I can see Vodafone 4G and EE 4G - so fingers crossed!  Incidentally, I tried an OTA search for the software update and it didn't show.

For me personally, I really like the phone, this was the only issue that I have had.  Is the phone perfect - maybe not, but at the price, it suits me fine.

Good luck everybody.