does not detect my phone on my pc


does not detect my phone on my pc

I download pc companion to my pc ( run on window xp ) .My phone detect as removable storage on pc screen. but not detect in sony companion. I reinstalled PC companion but the same result. When i connect phone on Window 7 operating system PC, its detects. Please help me to solve. I have Sony xperia SP.


the display needs to be awaken and unlock for fetcetion to take place. Check it. Could be this problem. 


There are more than one reason of this issue..
Install Drivers of your device in pc.
Go to Developers option in settings and marked on USB dubbing.

I have the same problem...

I have windows 7 so in task bar go in "Devices and printers" and you must see your xperia sp with a yellow plug just right click on it and choose solve problems follow the step it will be ok and must do it each times you restart your pc


What version of Windows are you running on your PC and is it a USB 3.0 or 2.0 port you are using? If everything is fine with those two then it may be worth trying this: 

To solve the issue, open Device Manager on your computer to reinstall the driver for your device while your device is connected with your PC via a USB cable.

Microsoft Windows Vista and 7 users

To open Device manager on your computer

Click on the Start button. 
In the Search box, type device manager, and then press enter. 

Microsoft Windows 8 users

To open Device manager on your computer

Click the Desktop Tile to open the Desktop. 
Click >> at the bottom right of the taskbar. 
Select Control Panel from the Menu. 
Select Device Manager from the list of control panel items.
Note: If you do not see the screen with the Device Manager option, click the View by drop-down menu and select Small icons.

Microsoft Windows XP and 2000 users

To open Device manager on your computer

On the desktop, right-click on My Computer and click Properties. 
In the System Properties window, click the Hardware tab. 
In the Hardware, tab click the Device Manager button.

To reinstall the drivers for your device

Scroll down to the Universal Serial Bus controllers (USB section) of the Device Manager window. 
Look for an MTP Device: Media Device, Unknown Device or any other reference to your phone. Click on this entry and choose "Uninstall" whilst leaving the device connected. 
Wait a few minutes, and the computer will reinstall the drivers for the device.
Now, the phone is accessible via Computer/My Computer on your computer.


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thank you soooooooooooooooooo much man really needed i hanks Slightly_smiling_Face


I tried that but Windows 7 does not let me uninstall the driver, also when I want to update the driver I get an access denied.

Anybody any ideas?

Thank you!


I tried that but Windows 7 does not let me uninstall the driver, also when I want to update the driver I get an access denied.

Anybody any ideas?

Thank you!

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Try to install it using administrator rights..