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Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc (LT15i) keeps on restarting itself (reboot loop)


Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc (LT15i) keeps on restarting itself (reboot loop)

Hi, my Sony Xperia A2 keeps freezing then rebooting itself, and then this afternoon it was in a continuous re starting loop and didn't restart for about 5 mins. What can I do? 


Hi @Ecomum, welcome to our forum and I'm sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

In the subject you have mentioned that you experience this with an Xperia Arc, but in the text it says Xperia A2, would it be possible for you to get back to me with which phone model that you have?

You can try and remove the SIM and SD cards from the device, as this can cause the device to restart over and over and this applies to any of our phone models.

Thank you! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi, my phone is an Xperia A2. I have taken out the SD card and swapped it for one with a larger memory as it was nearing being full. This seems to have solved the problem. Thank you for the help and advice. 


Hi again @Ecomum and that is fantastic news!

If you want to do some more troubleshooting, you can format your old SD card after backing up all the data from it and use it in device and see if it continues to restart, just so we can see if it is the SD card that is causing this even when it's empty. I do understand that you most likely just want to continue using the device with your new SD card, but it can be good to test it, in case you need to use the other SD card for something later on.

Have a fantastic Thursday! Slightly_smiling_Face