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*** 65XE7003 'beeping noise'?
Hi, we have been using this new model for about 2 weeks and we are just getting to know it but, over the last week or so, when playing around with the TV and channel options, I heard a loud fairly high pitchase beep coming from the TV.
I reported this to Sony and tried to explain what I heard it and when it happened but, the 'tech' could not put a finger on what was causing the beep but added if we continued to hear it, we were to /sony again. He gave us a case reference.
As I stated in earlier topics, the TV has the Sony BDV E-370, Sky Q 2GB Silver Box (supports UHD) and Apple TV device, all connected to it using HDMI!
This morning, with UHD enabled on the Sky Box, I played a UHD movie from Sky's available list.
About 30 minutes later, I paused the movie and then keyed in a random channel number (ITV HD 178) and it was then that I heard this 2 seconds fairly high pitched beep.
I tried this several times more and, each time I heard the same beep. I then tried it with HD and SD channels and heard no beep. I've not tried 'just leaving the film running' yet but, I'll give that a try later this evening and report back.
I'm also not sure, when is program/film is running, whether or not we should just changed channels with the program still running or, pause it?
As stated, this is a new 2017 model Sony TV but, don't know if leaving the film in pause is causing the beep or, if it's the Sky Q box or, the TV?
Does any member know what might be cause the beep?
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Hey Quinnicus, I would have thought that you would have been the first to reply to my thread.

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I am, I am. getting there. Drowning my sorrows in watching football. My 'fantasy team' is rubbish, and my home team is loosing.
I read your post - thinking on what to do/how to help. Will reply later

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Hi there
Reading through your description of the problem, I cannot conclude what it is either - which means you are going to have to do a bit out troubleshooting to figure this out. See the following steps
Step 1:
The first thing to do is either rule-out or confirm a TV problem. This means getting everything back to the most simplest setup. Disconnect ALL devices to the TV - just leave the power cable connected. If you have a aerial cable that can pick up a 'Freeview' signal, please connect this and test using a Freeview channel (i.e. BBC1). If you do not have an aerial cable, connect an ethernet/LAN cable to the TV and test using a internet app (i.e. YouTube). If the symptoms occur, then there is an issue with the TV and further investingation is needed. If not, continue with Step 2.
Step 2:
Connect your Sky box to the TV - still continue to have the BDV-E370 disconnected completely. Test as per before. Do you get this sound coming from the TVs speakers? If so, then the issue is Sky related. First thing to do is replace/swap the HDMI cables and see. However you might need to contact Sky. If the issue doesnt occur, continue to step 3.
Step 3:
Disconnect the Sky box and connect the BDV-E370 to the TV. Test by playing a movie (i.e. DVD/Bluray). Does it occur? If so, then further investigation is needed. If not, then its possibly the Sky box as in step 2. If the issue does not occur in all 3 steps, continue to step 4.
Step 4:
The issue might be a combination of the Sky box and BDV-E370. OR its in additon to the AppleTV device - however I honestly cannot see the AppleTV having any effect other than a dodgy HDMI cable. But best test anyhow. Connect the Sky box and BDV-E370 and test.
Eventually you are going to get the combination that produces the issue. As the issue seems to occur when using the Sky box, its possibly this - but unsure if its an issue on its own or a combination of another device - hence the testing above.
Hope this helps.
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Hi Quinnicus
Thank for a very detailed fault finding test.
First of all, I have not tuned in the Freeview Channels because I have no proper roof/attic TV aerial set up so, I would need to start at 'step 2', connecting the Sky box only but, before I try that, is it possible for me to just search and tune in the Freeview channels using one of those 'portable square aerials' and, without the need for me to wipe the TV & factory settings?
Note. Bear in mind that the "beep" seems to occur when I've been pausing a UHD movie/channel and then manually keying in a random channel number after pausing the UHD channel so, the nearest I could get to that would be to pause Freeview movie or other random channel and key in a random channel using the remote control from my 65XE7003 TV.
I'll leave it at that for now and will continue when I get your reply!

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Yes it is possible to connect and tune in the TV using a portable aerial and tune without a factory reset. Once aerial is connected goto : Settings > Channel Set-up > Digital Tuning > Digital Auto Tuning
The whole point of step 1 is to provide a base line. I know you say its via the Sky Box and UHD - which most likely is. But its best to rule out completely the TV to be sure.
Whilst you are at it, try searching the Sky forums too. Others may have the same problem
Edit: I dont suppose this is it:
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Hi Quinnicus
Thanks for your reply!
With regard to your last short paragraph on Sky forums/Sky-Q/beeping noise
Yes, I would like to say that this was the problem but, unfortunately, that's not the problem. The link refers to the 'accessibility options' available to viewers with personal audio issues and, if enabled, that particular option would give out a 'beep' to users, on certain channels that this channel is broadcasting an 'audio description'.
I did actually check that last evening and, ALL options were set to OFF!
Ok, not tried the portable antenna yet but, whilst I was trying to repeat the beep, which was easy, I did come across the following interesting points:
1. The beep is obviouslly linked to any resolution change, whereby the system will give an 'audible beep warning' when the resolution is changed manually by the user or, automatically by the system.
-> Remember my thread a week or so ago when the display on my BDV E-370 turned pink and the same beep was heard then. I had previously changed the screen size from 55" to 65" and this would normally require a resolution change, hence the same long beep, though not sure about the display turning pink?
2. Last night I started playing a UHD movie and then paused it, keyed in a random HD channel and immediately got the beep so, resoltuion change from 2160p down to 1080p with the same long beep warning from the system confirming the change.
3. When the movie ended and I went back to HD, same long beep from the system.
4. Started the UHD film again and this time, I didnt pause the film, then chose a random HD channel but got no beep - probably because the movie had ended?
5. I don't get any beeps on HD or SD channels, when doing the same test?
6. In Sky Q settings, when changing from 1080p HD, to 2160p, vice versa, on the Sky Q box, you get a prompt asking for confirmation of the change (YES), the system gives same long beep and msg confirms Sky Q box is set up for UHD 2160p 10bit.
7. The Sky Q box is set up for UHD/2160p on HDMI 2 but, whether watching SD or HD channels, HDMI 2 still shows 2160p for SD/HD in the top left of the display - but I suppose that it would do that because, regardless of what your wathcing, it's the input (HDMI 2) that's set up for 2160P UHD so, that 'input' notification won't change?
8. Forgot to add, when I changed from 1080p to 1080i on the Sky Q box, I got the same warning beep and, when I changed back from 1080i to 1080p, I get the same long warning beep. I also suppose that this would be true when changing to a lower 720p resolution and back?
So, whether or not the resolution change was manually or automatically done, the same loud beep warns the user of a 'resolution change' and often needs confirmation of that change from the user?
My concerns with this 'long beep' are because I want to know, whether or not, my new 2 weeks old 65XE7003 4K TV has a fault? If it's as I said above, i.e., it's normal behaviour for the TV system when it detects a resolution change and is simply making the user aware and, depending how the change has been done, may also want user input of confirmation of the change?
If it's not normal, then I'II seriously consider returning the TV for replacement/refund. Surely the Sony Techinal Supoort Department would be aware of this query and whether or not, this warning beep is normal for resolution changes or, is the beep a fault?
Finally, the Sky Q box has many resolution options in it's setting, 420p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p and 2160p (UHD); does the XE7003 TV have any such options in its Settings or, are the resolution changes and in particular, 4K/UHD/2160p, enabled automatically?
Well, that's the first page of "War and Peace" completed 🐵
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Quote: "Yes it is possible to connect and tune in the TV using a portable aerial and tune without a factory reset. Once aerial is connected goto : Settings > Channel Set-up > Digital Tuning > Digital Auto Tuning"
I connected an aerial but, when I went into Settings > Channel Set-up, Analogue Tuning and Digital Tuning were unavailable to 'tune in'!
I now that, depending on what other options in the same category are set to, certain options will be unavailable until you make some changes. I've figured out how to make some options in other categorys available but, I cannot see how to make Digital and Analogue Tuning available to me?
Once I can access the Digital Tuning, I can search for Freeview channels and then, with Sky Q, Apple TV and the DBV E-370 removed, I check if I get the same beep noise?
With regerd to the "high pitched beeping noise", I was convinced that this was to do with the resolution but, this morning, we turned on Sky which brings on the TV at the same time, and I heard the same beep type; tis happened twice within 60 minutes.
It's now driving me nuts, so much that, if this is not fixed, I'm going to retrun the TV for replace or refund!
None of our Sony TV's have ever had this issue and, the menu layout in our new 40WE663 looks exactly the samei. It does not have UHD but, I tried changing channels from HD to SD and, also within the Sky Q settings (1080p to 1080i to 760p and back but, heard no beeps!

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Hi @Peeoff
Please keep in mind that I dont work for Sony or any other affiliated companies. I do this volunarily in my free time. Unfortunately I have been busy this last couple of days. I'll try and see if I can answer you a bit later.

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Hi there
The more I read about your issue, the more im convinced that this is a Sky Box issue and not the TV. Lets ignore the first step - I dont think that is it.
Can you confirm the following:
- Your Sky Q box is directly connected to the TV using only the HDMI cable? Using either HDMI2 or 3
- Also can you confirm that the Sky Q box audio is outputting to the TV speakers and not the BDV-E370 (again, removing this BDV-E370 from the equation, keeping system setup as simple as possible).
- HDMI Signal Format is set to 'Enhanced'
- Sky Q box is set to output 2160p at 8 or 10 bit.
A couple of settings to change on your TV -
- Turn OFF 'Clear Audio+' (ive seen it cause issues on occasions) - System Settings > Sound
- Set 'Digital Audio Out' to 'PCM' - System Settings > AV Set-up > Digital Audio Out
PS: I'll try and reply quicker