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*** 65XE7003 'beeping noise'?
Hi, we have been using this new model for about 2 weeks and we are just getting to know it but, over the last week or so, when playing around with the TV and channel options, I heard a loud fairly high pitchase beep coming from the TV.
I reported this to Sony and tried to explain what I heard it and when it happened but, the 'tech' could not put a finger on what was causing the beep but added if we continued to hear it, we were to /sony again. He gave us a case reference.
As I stated in earlier topics, the TV has the Sony BDV E-370, Sky Q 2GB Silver Box (supports UHD) and Apple TV device, all connected to it using HDMI!
This morning, with UHD enabled on the Sky Box, I played a UHD movie from Sky's available list.
About 30 minutes later, I paused the movie and then keyed in a random channel number (ITV HD 178) and it was then that I heard this 2 seconds fairly high pitched beep.
I tried this several times more and, each time I heard the same beep. I then tried it with HD and SD channels and heard no beep. I've not tried 'just leaving the film running' yet but, I'll give that a try later this evening and report back.
I'm also not sure, when is program/film is running, whether or not we should just changed channels with the program still running or, pause it?
As stated, this is a new 2017 model Sony TV but, don't know if leaving the film in pause is causing the beep or, if it's the Sky Q box or, the TV?
Does any member know what might be cause the beep?
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Good morning Quinnicus
Thanks for your reply!
After reading through the short reply reminding me that you don't work for Sony, I was immediately taken aback because I never, ever thought that you did work for Sony! I now feel quite humbled and ashamed because I was continually loading you down with a barrage of questions.
I do really appreciate the help that you have given, not only to me but, also to the countless numbers of members in these forums, all, as you say, in your free time!
So Sorry!
I'll look forward to your reply, when you have time to spend.

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Hi @Peeoff
Absolutely no need to apologise - you dont nothing wrong What I was getting at was that there is no need to bump the thread, as I am aware of it. Your particular issue requires more than just a 2 minute reply, hence I needed a few minutes to read/respond and takes me a little longer
Anyhow, did you look at my other reply last night?
I have also asked Sony if they have any similar reported issues on this and will get back to you with an answer.
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Hi Quinnicus
Yes to all in "part one" but, twith reference to the Sky Q box audio, there is no option in the Sky Q settings to output audio to the TV speakers? When the BDV-E370 is on with the TV, the TV audio output is automatically set to switch between TV speakers and BDV-E370.
Part two - I've turned off "Clear Audio +" and, "Digital Audio Out" was already set to "PCM"!
I've been on the phone to Sony Support this morning; I got a case number on the 4th August when I first reported "the beep". Anyway, after a chat about the beep issue, he told me to disconnect the Sky Q box, fire up Freeview, download an UHD clip from Youtube, change the resolution from within the Youtube window and see if the 'beep' occurs. If it dosent, then it's a Sky Q problem but, if it does beep, it's the TV.
Note: The Sony Techie was convinced that it was the Sky Q box causing the beep issue and, his fault diagnosis check seemed very hopeful but, there was one very important point I forgot to mention to him; our previous Sony TV was a 55HX853 and, for the last 11 months, we have had the Sky Q box (and the BDV E-370) connected to that TV and, through ALL of those 11 months, until now, we never once had a beeping issue with the 55HX853 being connected to the Apple TV, Sky Q box and Apple TV!
So, 11 months later, why would I now be getting a beeping issue with a different TV connected - it just does not make any sense to me! I really wanted the 'Sony Techies' theory to be right but, I guess I will be calling Sony Support again tomorrow to put this unmentioned details to them.
Unfortunately, after I had tuned in Freeview channels with portable aerial, I pressed the Youtube button on the remote but, I got an error saying "check network connections"! So I could not bring up Youtube!
I don't get it; using the 'built-in' wireless feature on the TV, the wireless connection was successfully setup during first installation. Digital Tuning was skipped because we had no aerial connected but, once TV set up was complete, I changed HDMI INPUT to Digital TV so I could access the TV's Settings, I then went to software update in the TV settings and was able to update the software to the lastest version (v8.319).
So, with an Aerial now connected, the wireless connection should have still been available? I still had to change input from Sky Q to the Digital TV input so that I could get into the TV settings and, as stated above, there was no internet connection so, I tried to set one up, but it failed 'Error 1106"! I don't get that, it was still the same TV?
So, still cannot download UHD clip from Youtube, change resolution and see if we get the beep.

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Hi there
"Anyway, after a chat about the beep issue, he told me to disconnect the Sky Q box, fire up Freeview, download an UHD clip from Youtube, change the resolution from within the Youtube window and see if the 'beep' occurs. If it dosent, then it's a Sky Q problem but, if it does beep, it's the TV."
Thats essentially what I have been trying to get you to do
The KDL-55HX853 is a red-herring. As your problem is to do with 4K, that TV was not a 4K TV and hence wont produce this problem as the Sky Q box would have been setup for 1080p HD only. Changing to a 4K TV and setting the Sky Q box to output to 2160p, seems to produce this beep of yours.
In regards to other equipment like th BDV-E370 and the Apple TV - for testing purposes, leave these disconnected.
Wi-Fi should still work with the aerial connected. If not, just an ethernet cable (if possible), but you might want to check your Wifi settings anyhow. What does the Network Status say? OK or FAIL for internet? Run the 'easy' network setup for Wifi again anyhow.
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Hi Quinnicus
Ok, managed to connect a network cable from the router to the TV and was able to launch YouTube.
I found many UHD clips and chose one at random, I started to play it but then found that I could not change the resolution!
There was a 'settings' 'gear type' tab in the vertical bar to the left but, when I started playing the clip, that disappeared. I paused the clip and went into setting but, there was no option to change resolution - normally when you are viewing a YouTube video on your notebook, mac or other, you can right click the play window for options or, there are options on the bottom right?
To sum up, so far, I can't complete the test given by both you and, the Sony tech. You did mention about YouTube but you did not say what to do once I had a UHD clip playing? I really need to rule out whether or not, the TV has a fault but, I'm running out of time!
I'm thinking of ordering one of my favourite movies in UHD format from Amazon and then playing that through the BDV E-370 (with the Sky Q box disconnected) to the TV but, I don't think the player supports 4K though (I updated the player software to the last 2015 update but, I need to check if 4K support was added?
Quick qury about 'the internet browser' on the 65XE7003; I cant see how to launch the browser or, where it is.
I see the 'Opera TV" app, "in Apps' but, no internet browser? Does it need to be downloaded and, is it an 'app'?
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Hello Quinnicus
Hope all is well.
I see Sony never even bothered to update to Marshmellow on their sets after all that time we spent on getting it bloody working for them.
I see your now a master, good on you.
I have been building weapons and space ships of recent so haven’t been doing consumer stuff for awhile.
Has anybody done any new firmware for those MDR-1000x’s yet?
If not I’m going to do my own.
Would I be allowed to distribute a modified firmware for them? Or is that against the rules still?
Ive had several people ask for one, and you know me I don’t like to disappoint.
Im sort of surprised your still here too.
i would have thought by now you’d have moved on or at least got some professional acknowledgment. With all the help your providing, they better be paying you by now.
Let me know your ok
Your friend
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I have just purchased an XF90 exchanging this for a previous XD93 with the same set up and had the same issue with the beep when changing from an SD channel eg BBC2 to STV HD. Changing the digital audio output to Auto 1 resolves this, hope that helps
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