kdl-40v3000 bravia dark lines/shadows.


kdl-40v3000 bravia dark lines/shadows.

i have exactly the same problem as the other people who have written about this tv model on the forum and there seems to be manty many more out thereon forums reporting the same problem that sony will not acknowledge.

there are dark lines running down my screen and a dark shadow line about an inch think on the right hand side of my screen, this was more noticable when watching football. my tv is not under warrranty anymore but is only 2 and a 1/2 years old. it seems that sony have created their screens to only last this long as lots of people have the same complaint.

i have just rang sony and i have been told that "there is no known problems with this model" that is rubbish as clearly there are a few of us just on this forum with the same pronblem. So we are paying about £1000 for a tv that will only last 2.5 years. i am disgusted with the lack of help and support from the sony call centre staff who basically said i need to get it fixed myself and i need to book it in with a service engineer. I suspect this is a problem with the panel or with the screen where a replace ment would cost you more than getting a new set. it would cost me £45 just for someone to come out and tell me that without even having it repaired. as a dedicated sony buyer over the years i cannot believe that my most expensive buy has only lasted 2.5 years.


258 REPLIES 258

https://www.sony-europe.com/discussions/profile-image-display.jspa?imageID=12914&size=350 I swear I will never spend another penny on a sony product ever again!  Our TV is ruined by these black shadows. sony refuse point blank to even acknowledge the problem and the shop ( who I also am going to boycott and tell everyone I know to do the same) will not help even though the set is only 2 years old. we are expected to pay for an engineers report, even though it is clear for all to see..just look at my profile photo!

Message was edited by: crapsony

Message was edited by: crapsony


Sorry guys,

if you cannot get the links to work here just copy and paste in a new browser window.


Its amazing that this thread continues to grow almost daily with people complaining about the very same defect on the very same model, yet sony still state that it is unheard of .....

Are you serious Sony , get a grip and admit that this device has a manufacturing defect.

This will not go away , more and more will come with the same issue.

Adnit the fault before the consumer groups pick up on this as many of us are reporting the issue to them and urging the new people that arrive here with this issue to do the same.

You cant sweep this under the carpet and hope it goes away.


Hi All,

check out both the links below to assist further.



Message was edited by: Thalamus.

Edit: I've fixed your links for you..



We are in the same boat too!!! Our problems  started about a year ago, guess when... 2.5yrs after purchase... It  subsided and has now reaccured with avengance. We thought it was an  issue caused by us and the sun... i wish I had found this page  earlier...

As it is we have a foot long shadow about and inch  think on the left side and to the right around 7 shorter, thinner and  tightly gathered bands about the size of a plate... They catch your eye  and are quite distracting... Can't believe a 1k tv has only lasted this  long. Sony, you should be ashamed.

It sounds like Sony are being a  real help? Not. Thats reassuring. As for also investing in a PS3, Sony  HT-SF 1100 and BDP-450 to go with the TV I'm going to be a bit peeved if  they start giving me a load of speel.

I'll get on at them asap... will let you know how i get on!

Thanks for the info guys!


hi, i have been watching this thread with keen interest and i have taken my bravia back. The company who sell the tv on behalf of sony stated the lcd panel is knackered and they would give me £350 towards a new tv. Ive explained its not fit for purpose and they just sid Sony wont replace it. Ive gone dwn the road of Sales of good act.

any ideas where to from here?


KDL-40V3000 - Loss of colour, extreemly bad display retention problem - LCD Panel Fault

I have since recieved my replacement TV from SONY. Like I said in my earlier post, they sent me a SONY KDL40CX523 and I was a bit annoyed about how it was all dealt with, but I wont go into all that again. I also didn't fancy this model TV after reading the many reviews on the net about it, and also going to see it at my local Comet. I now suspect the local Comet TV didn't have it's stand installed on it correctl;y, as it was very loose and the slightest touch would make it rock about, so I was concerned about build quality etc. My TV with the stand installed correctly is much much better, it is quite sturdy or as sturdy as you could hope for when it is attached to the stand from one central pillar. Also the picture quality of the TV in my local Comet was terrible, so again I had grave concerns about the TV SONY were sending me due to these issues and the reviews on the net.

Basically the TV I recieved is working fine, it's picture quality is good in both SD and HD, so I think the feed in the Comet shop must have been weak and causing the terrible picture, although many other TV's even right next to it were fine. Also the TV I have recieved is also much more sturdy than the TV in my local Comet, and after installing and setting up my new TV, I now suspect that the TV in Comet didn't have it's stand installed on it correctly making it a lot looser on it's stand causing it to sway about with the slightest touch. I am reletavly happy with my replacement TV, although there is a lot of distortion on fast moving scenes occationally. and I would say more so than on my old KDL40V3000. Overall though I am relatavly happy with the TV.


I too Have the same problem Dark lines on the screen, I have the Engineer coming round to look at it.

I've not had this TV long. Come on Sony sort this problem your customers are getting fed up with it


Hi all,

Guess what - I've been hit with the same problem! I thought that this was just an LCD generic issue, but reading this forum I see it's an problem with the set itself. I've sent an email to Sony support and will let you know what happens. Can't believe a set that cost £1k is this knackered after only 2 1/2 years!

Always used Sony before, but will wait to see what happens with this to see if I ever use them again. Was just looking at moving this set into another room and going for a full 3D set up, so it may be Panasonic or Samsung for the first time if Sony don't sort this out.


UPDATE - at least the response was prompt, coming one day after my original email. Unfortunately it was a complete and total fob off, with no offer to assist in any way and complete refusal to admit any problem with the TV, even in the face of so many complaints.

if you google KDL-40V3000 faults, you get page after page of people reporting the same fault and yet Sony are pretending there's nothing wrong. I can't watch the set anymore and refuse to pay out money for a repair agent to come out and tell me what I already know, so I'm going to dump the Sony brand altogether and go for a Panasonic.

So annoying that after all these years of buying Sony products and telling people how good they are, the first time I have a real issue I get completely fobbed off. Feel very let down by this and will not ever but a Sony product again.