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not connected to the internet KD-49XE8005

Hi, another issue with my Sony tv and finding the time off work a good time to try and get to the bottom of these problems!!!

Continually since purchasing my Sony tv I have had issues with the message appearing on my tv saying ' no longer connected to the internet'.  At times it connects back again but other times if go to the settings and connect the internet again.  I thought it was an internet issue rather than my tv but as time has gone on I realise that I  can have other items being used in the house at the same time that don't have the internet connection interrupted and sometimes when trying to watch a programme especially through youview it just does not happen and I end up putting the tv off in disgust!!

I have fibre broadband through talk talk and I thought fibre would be more stable and reliable?

Any suggestions on what I can do or try - can anyone advise why my phone or ipad would not suffer from an interruption when the tv does?  

I don't want to have a wired connection from my router to my tv as it would not be practical


Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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