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KD-55AG9 YouView Apps will not run

KD-55AG9 YouView Apps will not run

KD-55AG9, Software version: PKG6.3633.0523EUA

BT Smart Hub 2

When tv is switched off with the remote and on again the apps associated with YouView (i.e. BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, My5 etc) will not load. A message appears “ An error has occurred. Please try again later. OK”. Have checked the internet connection which says it is connected with a wired connection. When checking software a message says “System software update data cannot be found...Error:(1106) etc.

To get these apps to work I have to do a Power Restart with the power button (hold down for 5 secs then select restart), the apps will then load and work fine. If the tv is switched off with the remote and later switched back on the apps will not load again and a Power Restart is required.

As long as the tv is on the apps will work fine as soon as it is put in and out of standby a Power Restart is required to get them to work.

Any comments or help would be appreciated.




As ever with such weird issues, a Factory Reset is indicated.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Have done a Factory Reset and gone through start up procedure tuning etc, used for rest of day everything fine. Switched off that night, next morning switch on tv comes on with message “your tv is connected to the internet”, select BBC iPlayer after a while message appears “ An error has occurred. Please try again later. OK”

No connection to BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub or any Youview players

Did a Restart with the Remote and all the Youview players are now working.

It seems that to access the Youview players a Restart is required until the tv is switched off with the Remote.