Okay, I entered the code and it disappeared right after entering last digit. Does it matter if I enter the code when plugged in or not? When I plug in to charger that annoying, (yet colorful!) demo video usually starts up. I'm afraid to try because I just got all my apps where I like them again and every time that demo vid comes on it resets everything!
Please tell me why this didn't work. Do I have to enter code when plugged in?? It didn't work when unplugged. If I enter the code more than once will that mess it up? Please help!
Re: how can I turn off the sales mode Options a month ago Let me know if this works. I just did it and it looks like the real deal, but haven't plugged in yet which is the real test! "finally i find it, settings, security, device manager, and then click off the option for retail sellers"
How do I turn off retail demo off on my Xperia z1 compact. I reset it and upgraded the software but it didn't work. Iv also typed the code on my dial screen but nothing worked
I don't see the demo video on all the apps. Only retail demo. And when I disable it n clear catch. It restarts when I restart my phone or when I put it on the charger. What should I do? N is there a stop code like the one of Xperia m